Sec. 8-2.222.   Rezonings.
   (a)   Rezoning applications are defined as those actions that change the zoning of land from one zoning district to another zoning district, or that change the amount of land in a zoning district by more than ten (10) percent, or increase the maximum intensity of land use allowed by the General Plan and zoning by more than ten (10) percent. Changing the zoning of land to add or delete a Planned Development (PD) zoning district is a rezoning.
   (b)   Applications for rezonings are to be processed as a legislative action, with hearing and recommendation by the Planning Commission, and hearing and final action by the Board of Supervisors, as required by Sections 65854 through 65857 of the Government Code.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)