(a) The purpose of the Zoning Clearance approval process is to quickly determine compliance between a development project seeking a building or related permit and not subject to discretionary review, with the provisions of this Code and the Yolo County General Plan. A Zoning Clearance is an “over-the-counter” review and approval of an application that is usually accomplished at the same time that a building permit is issued. The application is checked to ensure it is consistent with height, setback, parking, and other zoning standards or requirements for the specific zone district in which it is located, as set forth in this title.
(b) If an application is found to not be consistent with one or more zoning standards, the applicant must be required to modify the building plans or design to be consistent with the zoning, or the application must be resubmitted as a Variance or other discretionary action.
(c) No unique conditions of approval or development standards may be attached to a Zoning Clearance, although standard conditions or development requirements may be attached.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)