Although not a part of the Planning Agency, Yolo County encourages and supports several General Plan or land use Citizens Advisory Committees. The purpose of the appointed General Plan Citizens Advisory Committees is to provide local input and recommendations to the Planning, Public Works and Environmental Services Department on implementation of the County General Plan, any local plans, and related land use matters. Citizens Advisory Committees consider and make recommendations to the Planning Commission on all discretionary applications that are received by the County within the designated committee comment area. Members of the Citizens Advisory Committees are appointed by the Yolo County Board of Supervisors. The Citizens Advisory Committees abide by adopted Bylaws, approved by the Board of Supervisors. Each Citizens Advisory Committee adopts their own Standing Rules, which may set detailed rules and procedures for their own local committees, so long as they remain consistent with the Bylaws.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)