The Yolo County Planning Agency has established a Development Review Committee (DRC), a group of primarily County agencies, which meets to discuss and review all major discretionary development applications prior to when they are set for public hearing. The DRC generally includes representatives from the Planning Division; Public Works; the Building Division; Environmental Health; Economic Development; the Fire District; the Agricultural Commissioner; the Local Agency Formation Commission staff; and any other agencies that may have review/permitting authority.
The DRC generally meets once per month at a set time. The Planning Division coordinates the DRC meetings, sends out agendas and memorandum, and takes meeting notes. The DRC will normally meet three times during the review of a major discretionary project. The first DRC meeting will review the application for completeness. The second DRC meeting will review the draft Conditions of Approval and the environmental analysis that has been prepared by the project planner. A third DRC “pre-construction” meeting will review the approved Conditions of Approval with the applicant or contractor after project approval and prior to construction. The DRC meetings are internal County meetings that are closed to the public; however, the project applicant and/or their representative are encouraged to attend second and third meetings, but not the first meeting.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)