The Planning, Public Works and Environmental Services Department, and/or the Planning, Public Works and Environmental Services Director, shall have the following functions in the administration of the title and related regulations and policies:
(a) Serves as Secretary to the Planning Commission;
(b) Advise Board and Commission. Provides administrative support and professional advice to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors;
(c) Performs special studies and surveys as directed by the Board of Supervisors;
(d) Performs the duties required for the proper preparation and administration of the General Plan, as provided by law and ordinance;
(e) Performs the duties required for the proper preparation and administration of Specific Plans, Area or Community Plans, and regulations as provided by law and ordinance;
(f) Promotes public interest in, comment on, and understanding of the General Plan and regulations relating to it;
(g) Consults and advises with public officials and agencies; public utility companies; civic, educational, professional, and other organizations; and citizens concerning the preparation and implementation of the General Plan;
(h) Has the authority to make formal interpretations of the General Plan text, policies and diagrams, subject to appeal to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors, including the following responsibilities:
(1) Accept and interpret as substantially consistent minor variations from the land use diagram and other figures, based on actual field measurements, engineering and/or surveying.
(2) Determine whether or not a proposed modification to a physical component of the General Plan is “substantive,” thus triggering an amendment of the General Plan within the meaning of Government Code Section 65385(b).
(3) Make an interpretation, binding upon the County, as to whether the original intent and purpose of the General Plan are still met, i.e., no adverse effects on connectivity or livability, and no change in total area or amount of specific land uses, density, number of units, street capacity, amenities, roadway level of service, etc. Said modification shall not be interpreted as “substantive.”
(4) Interpretation of General Plan text, policies, and diagrams is an administrative decision without notice and hearing, except that an applicant can appeal the Director’s decision pursuant to Section 8-2.225.
(i) Promotes the coordination of local plans and program, with the plans and programs of other public agencies;
(j) Provides an annual report to the Board of Supervisors on the status of the General Plan and progress in its implementation;
(k) Administers the County Code including the Zoning Regulations of this chapter;
(l) Prepares and maintains local guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality (Yolo County’s Local CEQA Guidelines), and conducts environmental assessments pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and the Local Guidelines as are necessary for the consideration of projects, as defined therein, when the exercise of authority vested by this article in the Department or the Zoning Administrator results in the consideration of a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act; and
(m) Review and act upon all applications requiring Site Plan Review as required under Section 8-2.215.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)