Sec. 8-2.109.   Zoning district boundary determinations.
   Wherever any uncertainty exists as to the boundary of a zoning district as shown on the zoning map, the following rules shall apply:
   (a)   Lot lines. Where a zoning boundary line follows or coincides approximately with a lot line or a property ownership line, the zoning boundary line shall be construed as following the lot line or property ownership line.
Table 8-2.107
General Plan and Zoning Consistency
General Plan Land Use Designation (Symbol)
Zoning Districts (Symbol)
Agriculture (AG)
Agricultural Intensive (A-N)
Agricultural Extensive (A-X)
Agricultural Commercial (A-C)
Agricultural Industrial (A-I)
Agricultural Residential (A-R)
Residential Rural (RR)
Residential Rural-5 acre (RR-5)
Residential Rural-1 acre (RR-2)
Residential Low (RL)
Low Density Residential (R-L)
Residential Medium (RM)
Medium Density Residential (R-M)
Residential High (RH)
High Density Residential (R-H)
Commercial Local (CL)
Local Commercial (C-L)
Downtown Mixed Use (DMX)
Commercial General (CG)
General Commercial (C-G)
Downtown Mixed Use (DMX)
Highway Service Commercial (C-H)
Industrial (IN)
Light Industrial (I-L)
Heavy Industrial (I-H)
Office Park Research and Development (OPRD)
Parks and Recreation (PR)
Parks and Recreation (P-R)
Open Space (OS)
Public Open Space (POS)
Public/Quasi-Public (PQ)
Public/Quasi-Public (PQP)
Specific Plan (SP)
Specific Plan (S-P)
Natural Heritage Overlay (NHO)
Agricultural District Overlay (ADO)
Delta Protection Overlay (DPO)
Mineral Resource Overlay (MRO)
Tribal Trust Overlay (TTO)
Natural Heritage Overlay (NH-O)
Agricultural District Overlay (AD-O)
Delta Protection Overlay (DP-O)
Sand and Gravel Overlay (SG-O)
Sand and Gravel Reserve Overlay (SGR-O)
Tribal Trust Overlay (TT-O)
Airport Overlay (A-O)
Planned Development (PD) Overlay
Special Building (B) Overlay
   (b)   Where zone boundaries are indicated as approximately following street and alley lines or lot line, such lines shall be construed to be the boundary of the said zone, and the following shall apply:
   (1)   When two (2) zones are separated by a street or alley, the zone boundary shall be the centerline of the street or alley, unless otherwise specified, and
   (2)   When a residential zone is separated from any other zone by a street or alley, the residential zone boundary shall include the street or alley.
   (c)   Where any public street or alley is officially vacated or abandoned, the regulations applicable to abutting properties shall apply to the centerline of such vacated or abandoned street or alley;
   (d)   Where any private right-of-way or easement of any railroad, canal, transportation, or public utility company is vacated or abandoned, the regulations applicable to abutting property shall apply to the centerline of such vacated or abandoned property;
   (e)   For unsubdivided property, or in instances where a zone boundary divides a lot, the location of the zone boundary shall be determined by the Director unless the zone boundary is indicated by dimensions.
   (f)   Scale on the zoning map. Where a zoning boundary line does not coincide approximately with a lot line or property ownership line, the zoning boundary line shall be determined by the use of the scale designated on the zoning map.
   (g)   Riverfront. Where a zoning boundary line follows the riverbank of the Sacramento River, old river channel, or Putah Creek, the zoning boundary line shall be construed as following the ordinary low water line of such riverbank.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014; as amended by § 2, Ord. 1497, eff. June 7, 2018)