Sec. 8-1.802.   Streets.
   (a)   If the circulation element of the General Plan shows any street located so that any portion thereof lies within the proposed land development, such portion shall be shown as a street, or part of a street, within such area in the general location shown on the General Plan unless an exception is granted pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of this chapter.
   (b)   The location and alignment of streets shall conform to the General Plan and be arranged to produce the most advantageous development of the area in which the development lies. The street pattern shall be designed in accordance with the following standards:
   (1)   The design and construction of street improvements shall be in accordance with the County Improvement Standards as set forth by resolution of the Board.
   (2)   In all subdivisions, as defined in the Subdivision Map Act, except subdivisions in planned development zones, each parcel of land shall be served by an improved street.
   (3)   Where the side, front, or rear lines of any lots abut on a freeway, limited access highway, or arterial, the subdivider may be required to dedicate to the County all rights of vehicular access to and from such lots across the lot line abutting such freeway, limited access highway, or arterial.
   (4)   Streets which are extensions of existing streets shall continue the center lines of the existing streets, as far as practicable, either in the same direction or by adjustment curves.
   (5)   Streets within a subdivision entering upon opposite sides of any given street shall have their center lines located directly opposite each other if practicable, or such center line shall be offset as set forth in the County Improvement Standards.
   (6)   The center lines of streets shall intersect one another as nearly at right angles as practicable, shall not be excessively curved, and shall conform to the County Improvement Standards.
   (7)   Where a subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land, adequate or necessary streets in the subdivision shall be extended to such adjacent unsubdivided land to provide access, in the event of its future subdivision, and in a manner to provide the most advantageous development of the street pattern in the area.
   (8)   In the event certain streets or alleys in a subdivision are to be reserved for future public use and they have been approved as to location and width, they shall be indicated on the final map and offered for irrevocable dedication as future streets or future alleys in accordance with Section 66475 of the Subdivision Map Act. Certificates providing that the County may accept the offer to dedicate such easements at any time shall be shown on the final map.
   (9)   Except in unusual circumstances, a cul-de-sac street in a residential subdivision shall have a circular end with a minimum radius of fifty-three (53) feet on the property line and shall not exceed two hundred fifty (250) feet in length.
   (10)   Minimum and maximum street grades, minimum radii, sight distances, and minimum length of tangents shall conform to the County Improvement Standards.
   (11)   The grid pattern of new streets shall be oriented to align north/south and east/west, to give a sense of place and direction in new community areas, as well as to maximize solar access.
   (12)   Access considerations for new private driveways and encroachments shall include the following: will the proposed use have access characteristics different from other permitted land uses; does the proposed access have inadequate design; will emergency vehicle access be impaired; would the proposed access adversely affect safe operations on the adjoining roadway system; are site distance, visibility, proximity to parking, drainage, turning radius, angle of intersection, vertical alignment, and pavement condition adequate for the proposed use and consistent/ equitable in relation to access requirements for other permitted uses; proximity to other driveways and intersections; and other relevant circumstances identified by the County.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014; as amended by § 2, Ord. 1466, eff. March 24, 2016; as amended by § 2, Ord. 1542, eff. October 14, 2021)