Sec. 8-1.403.   Application and limitations.
   (a)   This article shall apply only to residential developments. Whenever a provision of the Subdivision Map Act, as implemented and supplemented by this chapter, requires the filing of a tentative map for a residential development, a vesting tentative map may instead be filed in accordance with the provisions of this article.
   (b)   If a subdivider does not seek the rights conferred by the Vesting Tentative Map Statute, the filing of a vesting tentative map shall not be a prerequisite to any approval for any proposed subdivision, permit for construction, or work preparatory to construction.
   (c)   No land shall be subdivided and developed pursuant to a vesting tentative map for any purpose which is inconsistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific, area, or community plan or not permitted by the zoning provisions or other applicable provisions of this Code.
   (d)   Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (f) of this section, a vesting map may not be filed concurrently with a general plan amendment nor during the period a general plan amendment for the area covered by the proposed map is in process.
   (e)   Applications for projects which require amendments to an adopted specific, area, or community plan, or the Yolo County Zoning Code, or which require discretionary approvals pursuant to the Zoning Code, including, but not limited to, special development permits, use permits, development plan reviews, exceptions, special review of parking or variances, may not include an application for a vesting map unless all needed applications for such approvals for the project are concurrently filed with the vesting map. Vesting maps may not be approved with the condition that needed plan amendments, zoning and discretionary approvals be subsequently secured.
   (f)   Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, an application for a vesting map may be filed concurrently with an application to amend the Yolo County general plan provided that the area covered by the vesting map is included in the area covered by the application to amend the general plan and is also included in either a concurrently filed or previously filed and pending application for a specific plan, area or community plan.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014; as amended by § 2, Ord. 1466, eff. March 24, 2016)