Sec. 8-1.308.   Form of tentative maps and tentative parcel maps.
   (a)   The tentative map shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor and shall be drawn to a scale sufficiently large as to show clearly the details of the plan (generally one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet, but not more than one hundred (100) feet, and the essential dimensions related thereto.
   (b)   The tentative map shall contain the following information, which is further augmented and described in the application forms prepared by the Planning and Public Works Department (the Tentative Map application “Required Materials” checklist):
   (1)   The subdivision number and small vicinity map;
   (2)   The legal and/or other sufficient description of the property to be subdivided to define the location and boundaries of the proposed tract, with approximate bearings and distances;
   (3)   The names and addresses of the owner or owners of record, the subdivider, and the engineer or surveyor;
   (4)   The widths, approximate locations, and identity of all existing or proposed easements, streets, alleys, reserves, watercourses, irrigation canals, and drainage ditches on or adjacent to the proposed subdivision, together with all building and use restrictions applicable thereto;
   (5)   An indication of adjacent tentative or recorded subdivisions, property lines, or any development which will affect or be affected by the development;
   (6)   Topographic data shown for a sufficient distance beyond the boundary lines of the subdivision in sufficient detail and contour lines at sufficient intervals to provide for a proper study of drainage, sewage disposal, lot design, and road locations; the location of existing buildings on or near the proposed subdivision and unusual natural features in the area; and a rough grading plan, together with preliminary soils data, whenever cuts or fills are five (5) feet or more;
   (7)   The location and general description of proposed public improvements;
   (8)   The location and width of adjacent existing and proposed streets and highways, as well as possible future street continuations, and an indication of how such development will fit into the neighborhood street plan and the General Plan of the County;
   (9)   The proposed street names;
   (10)   The approximate radii of all curves;
   (11)   The approximate location of areas subject to inundation or storm water overflow, all areas normally covered by water, and all water courses which are to be preserved and used in the development of the subdivision;
   (12)   The proposed lot layouts, including approximate dimensions, gross lot area, and buildable area, and provisions for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities as set forth in the Subdivision Map Act;
   (13)   The existing and proposed uses of the property, with a statement of the respective proportions of the total area and the number of lots represented by each use;
   (14)   Provisions for the domestic water supply proposed by the subdivider, including the source, the location of existing, proposed, active, or abandoned wells and the future disposition of each well, and information concerning the approximate quantity of water when the source is other than a public water system;
   (15)   Provisions for sewage disposal and data pertaining to soil percolation rates for all areas not on public sewers to the satisfaction of the Public Health Director;
   (16)   Provisions for stormwater drainage including detention, and stormwater quality features, as applicable;
   (17)   Provisions for all other utilities, including natural gas, electricity, communication, and cable television systems, and a list of all firms and/or public districts supplying utility services;
   (18)   The requirement for Energy Star certified appliances;
   (19)   A flow diagram setting forth the manner and direction in which storm runoff will be carried through and away from the subdivision;
   (20)   Provisions for park and recreation facilities, schools, and other needed public areas;
   (21)   A statement as to the proposed landscaping and tree planting plan;
   (22)   A statement prohibiting wood-burning fireplaces in new residential development;
   (23)   The date, north arrow, scale, and gross area of the subdivision;
   (24)   The boundary lines of any cities, counties, school districts, and other public districts within the area of the map; and
   (25)   Signature blocks on the tentative maps for the approval of the Zoning Administrator and the County Engineer.
   (c)   Any material required by the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, above, which cannot be placed legibly and completely on the tentative map shall be submitted in writing with such map.
   (d)   The following information shall be submitted with the tentative map application, including and in addition to any other information specified in the subdivision application forms prepared by the Department of Planning, Public Works and Environmental Services:
   (1)   A Planned Development (PD) Ordinance (if rezoning to a unique PD overlay zone) including allowed and permitted uses, building densities and standards such as height and setbacks, design regulations, and other criteria which will regulate how development will proceed;
   (2)   Development plans showing the proposed distribution, location, extent, and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, utilities, solid waste disposal, energy, and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described in the plan and necessary to meet the infrastructure and other requirements of the County General Plan, any applicable specific plan, and the County Improvement Standards.
   (3)   Standards and criteria by which development will proceed;
   (4)   A program of implementation measures necessary to carry out the aforementioned requirements above; and any applicable mitigation programs or requirements such as agricultural and wildlife habitat mitigation and affordable housing;
   (5)   A Conceptual Landscape Plan, including a list of trees, plants, shrubs and groundcover that will be utilized for selecting landscape plan components.
   (6)   Architectural Elevation drawings and other aesthetic details of proposed buildings, as applicable;
   (7)   A Transportation Impact Study as described in the County’s Transportation Impact Study Guidelines, if the project meets or exceeds the triggers requiring an impact study;
   (8)   Final hydrology and hydraulics calculations and reports prepared by a registered civil engineer per County Improvement Standards;
   (9)   An Onsite Circulation Plan;
   (10)   A Lighting Plan, if applicable;
   (11)   A Master Signage Plan, if applicable; and
   (12)   Any other technical and/or CEQA-related special studies, such as an archeological or biological study, as required.
   (e)   Every subdivider, at the time of filing a tentative map, shall pay to the County a filing fee in the amount established by the Board by resolution.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014; as amended by § 2, Ord. 1466, eff. March 24, 2016; as amended by § 2, Ord. 1468, eff. May 13, 2016)