Sec. 11-1.1511. Public liability and property
   The grantee at all times shall maintain in full force and effect a policy of insurance in such form as the County may require, executed by an insurance company authorized to write the required insurance, and approved by the Insurance Commissioner of the State, insuring the payment of any sum which the grantee or the County, or its officers, boards, commissioners, agents, and employees may become obligated to pay by reason of any liability imposed upon them by law for damages because of personal injury or death, or injury to or destruction of property that may result to any person or property arising out of the construction, operation, or maintenance of any facilities pursuant to a franchise. The sums, payment of which shall be so insured, shall not be less than Two Million and no/100ths ($2,000,000.00) Dollars combined single limits, including bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Such policy of insurance shall be filed with the Board and approved as required by County ordinance. (§ 1, Ord. 961, eff. October 27, 1983)