Sec. 11-1.1303.   Services.
   (a)   Within a service area, the services provided by the grantee through its cable communications system upon both the subscriber and institutional networks shall be offered uniformly upon nondiscriminatory terms to subscribers and users and shall not differ based upon geographical location.
   (b)   Each application and renewal application for a franchise shall contain schedules of all home educational and entertainment programming proposed to be shown on either the subscriber network or institutional network. The applications shall show for each service area:
   (1)   All tiers of service;
   (2)   The number of activated and the number of programmed channels within each tier of service offered at the subscription rate applicable to the tier, together with an identification of the tier placement of any channels allocated pursuant to Sections 11-1.903, 11-1.904, 11-1.906, and 11-1.907 of Article 9 of this chapter;
   (3)   A description of all programming from satellite and other sources to be offered on each such channel within each tier of service (including program descriptions) within the times prescribed by Section 11-1.1002 of Article 10 of this chapter;
   (4)   A statement of the minimum number of hours per day and week programs or types of programming described in subsection (3) of this section will be shown within the times prescribed by said Section 11-1.1002;
   (5)   A statement of the minimum number of hours per day and week each channel within each tier of service will contain home educational and entertainment programming which has not previously been broadcast within the Yolo County community; and
   (6)   A statement of all premium services to be offered within each tier of service, together with program descriptions of each such service, and the minimum number of hours per day and week each such service will be available within each tier of service within the times prescribed by said Section 11-1.1002.
   (c)   The provisions of subsections (3), (4), (5), and (6) of subsection (b)of this section shall not be applicable to channels described by Section 11-1.303 of Article 3 of this chapter.
   (d)   Each application for a franchise shall also contain a description of such non-entertainment services (whether or not of an interactive nature) as the applicant offers to provide on either the subscriber network or institutional network throughout the term of the franchise. For each such service, applications shall show:
   (1)   The nature, scope, and extent of each service;
   (2)   For each service, any restrictions relating to the geographical location of delivery and the class of customer or recipient of service;
   (3)   Schedules of all rates and charges under which each service will be offered to customers or recipients;
   (4)   The names and addresses for each service of the proposed provider of the service. If the County expressly requests, either in the request for proposals or during the review period, the applicant shall provide the County with a copy of the contract or other legal instrument between the grantee and the provider; and
   (5)   Such other information by amendment to the application as may be required during the public hearing referred to in subsection (e)of this section.
   (e)   During the public hearings prior to the tentative selection of a grantee conducted pursuant to Section 11-1.602 of Article 6 of this chapter, the Board, in its sole discretion, may determine which, if any, such non-entertainment services shown in the application of the applicant, if selected as the grantee, would be vested with a contractual right and duty to perform throughout the term of the franchise. Any such identification may be accompanied by such conditions as are determined to be appropriate, including, but not limited to, conditions relating to the nature and extent of the service provided, the terms and conditions of the provision, and opportunities for the use of the cable communications system by others, including the circumstances under which leased access for such purposes will be provided. Any services so identified, together with the conditions thereof, shall be prescribed in the ordinance offering the franchise to the extent they appear in the application filed by the grantee. (§ 1, Ord. 961, eff. October 27, 1983)