Sec. 11-1.1004.   Underground facilities.
   (a)   Unless otherwise authorized by the Board, in those areas and portions of the County where transmission and/or distribution facilities of the public utility providing telephone service, and those of the utility providing electric service, are underground or hereafter may be placed underground, or are to be placed underground by a builder, developer, or subdivider as a part of a development or subdivision, then the grantee shall likewise construct, operate, and maintain all of its transmission and distribution facilities underground to the maximum extent that existing technology reasonably permits the grantee to do so.
   (b)   In new developments or subdivisions, the builder, developer, or subdivider shall be responsible for the performance of all necessary trenching and backfilling of main line and service trenches, including the furnishing of any imported backfill material required. The grantee shall be responsible for the conduct of the engineering and labor to put the cable conduit in the trench. Pre-wiring of new dwellings to franchise specifications while under construction shall be mandatory. The grantee shall be responsible for pulling in the cable and providing the plant electronics and drops to individual homes after occupancy.
   (c)   In those areas and portions of the County where utility service facilities are currently located underground, the grantee shall be responsible for the undergrounding of cable facilities, including the performance of all necessary trenching, and the furnishing of any imported backfill material required.
   (d)   Previously installed aerial cable shall be undergrounded in concert, and on a cost-sharing basis, with other utilities pursuant to the general laws of the County or applicable State laws or in the event such action shall be taken by all other utilities on a voluntary basis.
   (e)   Subject to approval by the Board, incidental appurtenances, such as amplifier boxes and pedestal-mounted terminal boxes, may be placed aboveground but shall be of such size and design and shall be so located as not to be unsightly or hazardous to the public. (§ 1, Ord. 961, eff. October 27, 1983)