Sec. 11-1.601.   Initiation.
   (a)   This chapter itself grants no authority to operate a cable communications system to any person. Such grants are only made by the adoption of a separate ordinance awarding a specific franchise to an applicant who has complied with the provisions of this chapter.
   (b)   Except with respect to the renewal of a preexisting franchise, no franchise to operate a cable communications system shall be issued within the Yolo County community except pursuant to a request for proposals and the selection of the grantee on the basis of any proposals submitted in response to the request.
   (c)   Upon the receipt of any unsolicited application containing the information required by Section 11-1.602 of this article, the Board, within ninety (90) days, shall determine whether or not to issue a request for proposals pursuant to this section. The issuance of such a request for proposals shall not require the grant of a franchise pursuant to this chapter. The determination whether or not to issue such a request for proposals shall be made following a noticed public hearing. (§ 1, Ord. 961, eff. October 27, 1983, as amended by § 1, Ord. 965, eff. November 3, 1983)