Sec. 11-1.203.   East Yolo Franchise Area.
   (a)   The East Yolo Area shall fall within the operation of this chapter, and the Board declares this chapter operative within said territory on and after October 27, 1983. The territory shall be known as the East Yolo Franchise Area.
   (b)   The East Yolo Area consists of all the unincorporated territory in the County more particularly described as follows:
East Yolo Area. Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the Sacramento River and at a point 45 feet northerly of the center line of County Road 126; thence westerly along a line parallel to the center line of County Road 126 and the extension thereof to the center line of the east levee of the East Yolo Bypass; thence southerly and westerly along the center line of the east levee of the East Yolo Bypass to the extension of the center line of Thorpe Road; thence easterly along the extension of the center line of Thorpe Road to the center line of the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel; thence southerly along the center line of the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel to the extension of the center line of the north levee of Lisbon Slough; thence easterly along the westerly extension of the center line of the north levee of Lisbon Slough and along the center line of the north levee of Lisbon Slough and the easterly extension of the center line of Lisbon Slough to the center line of the Sacramento River; thence along the center line of the Sacramento River to the point of beginning.
   (c)   The East Yolo Franchise Area includes an Imposed Service Area.
   (d)   The Imposed Service Area consists of all territory within the East Yolo Franchise Area so designated in any request for proposals issued pursuant to Article 4 of this chapter, Any grantee shall provide a system of such design and construction that service can be made available, and such service shall be made available to all residential units as provided in Section 11-1.801 of Article 8 of this chapter. (§ 1, Ord. 961, eff. October 27, 1983)