Sec. 10-8.502.   Applications: Contents.
   Except as provided for in Section 10-4.503 of the County Code , all documentation for the surface mining permit shall be submitted to the Director at one time. One (1) complete copy of the application shall be provided to the County. Applications for proposed surface mining permits and reclamation plans shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
   (a)   A description of the proposed agricultural surface mining and reclamation operations, including the following information;
   (1)   A signed statement that the person submitting the application accepts responsibility for implementing the approved reclamation plan;
   (2)   The name and address of the proposed surface mine operator and the names and addresses of any persons designated by the operator to act as an agent for the applicant through the permit process;
   (3)   The names and addresses of the owners of all surface interests and mineral interest in the lands to be mined;
   (4)   Evidence that all owners of a possessory interest in the lands included in the application have given authority to the applicant to conduct surface mining as proposed and to implement the reclamation plan as proposed;
   (5)   The anticipated quantity and type of minerals for which the proposed surface mining operation will be conducted, including the estimated maximum annual production;
   (6)   The length of time for mining and reclamation. If phasing is proposed, beginning and completion dates shall be provided for each phase. Total acreage proposed for mining and for reclaimed agricultural uses shall also be provided.
   (7)   The maximum anticipated depth of the proposed surface mining operation.
   (8)   An assessment of the effect of implementation of the reclamation plan on future mining in the area;
   (9)   A description of the general geology of the region, including a detailed description of the geology of the area in which surface mining is to be conducted;
   (10)   The manner in which waste generated by the surface mining operation will be disposed and the methods by which contamination will be controlled during surface mining;
   (11)   A description of the manner in which affected streambed channels and streambanks will be rehabilitated to a condition minimizing erosion and sedimentation;
   (12)   A description of any lands within the project site that are currently under a Land Conservation (Williamson) Act Contract and/or in an Agricultural Preserve, including any lands for which a Notice of Nonrenewal has been filed and the date of expiration. Proposed mined lands that meet the definition of “prime agricultural land” shall also be identified;
   (13)   A description of how the proposed project complies with the compatibility findings provided in Section 51238 et seq. of the California Government Code (the Williamson Act), if applicable;
   (14)   The methods to be used for on-site and off-site surface water drainage and erosion control during surface mining and reclamation operations;
   (15)   The proposed hours of operation, including the estimated number of nights when surface mining operations may be necessary;
   (16)   The projected number of average truck trips per year, average truck trips per day, estimated maximum truck trips on peak days, estimated number of peak days per year, and estimated months in which peak days will occur. The information shall also specify a designated truck route;
   (17)   A soil analysis to evaluate the methods and feasibility of restoring those portions of the mined site to agricultural productivity, including discussions of current and reclaimed soil conditions and classifications, the types of crops grown on the lands proposed for reclamation and their historic yields for a minimum of five (5) years, and projected production of reclaimed agricultural lands. The analysis shall also include detailed plans for the removal and replacement of topsoil and overburden, including cross-sections of the areas to be reclaimed to agriculture, the depth of soils replaced, field irrigation slope grades, detention basins, and the relationship between finished field elevations and the groundwater level for the site;
   (18)   If the proposed reclaimed agricultural use is for aquaculture, livestock, dairy, or other alternative non-crop production, the applicant shall provide information regarding projected yields and sales for a three-year period after mining has been completed, as well as comparisons between the estimated price of the alternative agricultural production and historic on-site price and yield data; and
   (19)   A description of all lands within the subject site under conservation easement and a copy of the easement agreement.
   (b)   A site plan submitted in the form prescribed by the Planning Director, including all property proposed to be included in the mined area, drawn to a scale of one inch equals one-hundred feet (1” = 100’), or other scale acceptable to the Director for larger holdings. Small-scale, reproducible copies shall be provided along with all site plans submitted. Site plans shall show the following information;
   (1)   All property lines, including the boundaries of all parcels proposed for mining and reclamation; the boundaries of any ownerships, leases, and/or other entitlements vested in the surface mining operator which allow surface mining and reclamation to be conducted on-site; and all Assessor parcel numbers for properties included in the application;
   (2)   The location of all streams, residences, roads, railroads, and utility facilities within, or adjacent to, the lands to be mined;
   (3)   The location and condition of any previously mined areas within the site, specifically designating those portions of the site, if any, where mining was completed prior to January 1, 1976, and which is claimed to be exempt from the requirements of the Act;
   (4)   The existing and proposed topography of all mined and reclaimed lands;
   (5)   The location of all development proposed as a part of the surface mining operations, including settling basins, drainage conveyances, equipment, fences, and other man-made structures;
   (6)   The locations for the storage of overburden and topsoil material in any proposed stockpiles;
   (7)   The proposed access roads, driveways, haul roads, and parking areas proposed as a part of the surface mining operation; and
   (8)   The location of existing vegetation, including areas where vegetation is proposed to be removed and/or avoided;
   (c)   A legal description for all parcels included in the application with a basis of bearing in the California Coordinate System (NAD 27 or NAD 83);
   (d)   An estimate of the financial assurances necessary to implement the proposed reclamation plan, or phases thereof, prepared in accordance with Article 12 of this chapter.
   (e)   A set of completed application forms provided by the Agency, and all pertinent information required therein.
   (f)   In addition to the foregoing, the Director may require such other and further information relevant to the project as needed to determine whether the proposal may affect the public health and safety. (§ 2, Ord. 1276, eff. December 6, 2001)