Sec. 10-8.426.   Setbacks.
   All agricultural surface mining operations shall comply with the following setbacks:
   (a)   Soil and/or material stockpiles shall be located a minimum of five-hundred (500) feet from public rights-of-way, public recreation areas, and off-site residences, unless alternate measures to reduce potential noise, dust and aesthetic impacts are developed and implemented;
   (b)   If appropriate, mining located within one-thousand (1,000) feet of either public rights-of-way or off-site residences shall be effectively screened fro public view by a fence row buffer or constructed berm. Fence row landscaping plans shall identify planting densities for trees and shrubs, and include provisions for monitoring and maintenance to ensure establishment; and
   (c)   All agricultural mines shall be set back a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from riparian vegetation. (§ 2, Ord. 1276, eff. December 6, 2001)