(a) Under Section 25842 of the Government Code, the Board of Supervisors may provide for the control or destruction of gophers, squirrels, vermin, other wild animals, noxious weeds, plant diseases, and insects injurious to fruit or fruit trees, vines, vegetables, or plant life. These items are considered to be Agricultural Nuisances. Section 25845 of the Government Code provides that the Board of Supervisors may establish by ordinance a procedure for the abatement of a nuisance.
(b) At present, the enforcement provisions of the Food and Agriculture Code are set forth in Chapters 6 and 7, Part 1, Division 4. These provisions call for a lien to be recorded on the subject property within 120 days in the event of non-payment. If no payment is received within 120 days of recording the district attorney is required to foreclose on the lien or the lien ceases to exist. This enforcement provision is onerous and virtually impossible to implement.
(c) The Board finds that prompt and effective control of Agricultural Nuisances is essential to protect our agricultural operations. An ordinance with reasonable enforcement provisions is essential to accomplish this. This ordinance provides for the collection of unpaid abatement costs by the Treasurer-Tax Collector with the same priority as other County taxes as provided for under Section 25845(d) of the Government Code.