Sewers and Sewage
1048.01   Connection fees.
1048.02   Use of house sewers.
1048.03   Construction of house sewer and connections.
1048.04   Enforcement by Village Manager.
1048.05   Service charges.
1048.06   Private sewage disposal systems.
1048.07   Surcharge for users outside Village.
1048.08   No connections outside Village limits.
1048.99   Penalty.
   Establishing municipal sewerage system - see Ohio R.C. 715.40
   Municipal sewers and sewage disposal - see Ohio R.C. 715.40, 729.31 et seq.
   Sewerage rentals - see Ohio R.C. 729.49 et seq.
   Management and control of sewerage system - see Ohio R.C. 729.50
   Village sewers and sewage disposal - see Ohio R.C. 735.27
   Regional sewer districts - see Ohio R.C. 6119.01 et seq.
   Sewer systems in flood hazard areas - see P. & Z. 1256.02
   (a)   For each connection to the sewer system of the Village, fees shall be paid in accordance with the following schedule:
      (1)   Connection rates.
Meter Size
5/8 x 3/4"
1 ½"
      (2)   When the service line is installed by the Village the fee charged shall be the actual, direct costs for labor, equipment, time and materials, incurred by the Village plus sixty percent of all such direct costs for overhead and administration.
      (3)   When the service line is not installed by the Village the following fees shall be charged:
         Single-Family         Multi Unit
         Residential         Residential         Nonresidential
          $15.00         $15.00 for each dwelling   $15.00
   (b)   No connection shall be made without the written permission of the Village Manager. An application for a permit shall be signed by the owner of the property for which the connection is to be made and by the person employed to perform the work.
(Ord. 72-12. Passed 6-5-72; Ord. 77-13. Passed 11-7-77; Ord. 81-9. Passed 6-15-81; Ord. 86-9. Passed 6-2-86; Ord. 2017-29. Passed 10-16-17; Ord. 2022-27. Passed 6- 21-22.)
   The written permission to construct a house sewer or to make a connection to a public sewer shall specify the permissible use of such house sewer and connection and such specifications shall be governed by the following requirements:
   (a)   Sewage, including wastes from water closets, urinals, lavatories, sinks, bathtubs, showers, laundries, cellar floor drains, garage floor drains, bars, soda fountains, cuspidors, refrigerator drips, drinking fountains, stable floor drains and other objectionable wastes, shall be discharged into a sanitary or combined sewer and in no case into a storm water sewer.
   (b)   Industrial waste shall not be discharged into a storm water sewer, but may be discharged into a sanitary sewer if the waste is of such character as not to be detrimental to the sewer system (or sewage treatment works).
   (c)   Surface water, rain water from roofs, subsoil drainage, building foundation drainage, cistern overflow, clean water from condensers, wastewater from motors and elevators, and any other clean and unobjectionable wastewater, shall be discharged into a storm water sewer and in no case into a sanitary sewer.
   (d)   Connection with a cesspool or a privy vault shall not be made into a sanitary or storm water sewer.
   (e)   A trap for the interception of grease and oil shall be provided on a connection from a hotel, restaurant, club or institutional kitchen and from a public garage or automobile washing station. Such traps shall be satisfactory to the Village Manager.
   (f)   No person shall discharge into a house sewer or tap a house sewer for the purpose of discharging into it any waste or drainage water prohibited by the provisions of this section. Any existing connection in violation of the provisions of this section shall be abandoned and removed.
(Ord. 10. Passed 5-17-37.)
   The house sewer and connection to a public sewer shall be constructed as follows: The house sewer shall be of the best quality salt-glazed hub and spigot vitrified sewer pipe, not less than four inches in internal diameter, and shall be laid in open trench. The joints shall be made watertight by a method approved by the Village Manager. In order to permit ventilation of the public sewer and house sewer, no trap shall be placed in the house sewer. After the sewer is laid and before it is covered or used, it shall be inspected and approved by the Village Manager.
(Ord. 1955-1. Passed 9-19-55.)
   The Village Manager is hereby authorized and directed to adopt and enforce specifications and regulations in accordance with the provisions of this chapter for the purpose of providing control of the installation of sewer connections and inspection thereof. He or she shall maintain accurate and complete records of all permits issued for inspections made of the construction of house sewers and connections to the public sewers. He or she shall require the abandonment and removal of connections to the public sewers which violate any of the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 10. Passed 5-17-37.)
   (a)   Each customer connected to the Municipal water system within the Village shall pay a monthly sewer service charge which includes a readiness for service charge (RFS) based upon the customer's water meter size and a sewer charge for each thousand gallons of usage:
Effective Date
RFS Rate per month
Consumption charge per 1,000 gallons
April 1, 2023
January 1, 2024
January 1, 2025
January 1, 2026
January 1, 2027
   (b)   Each customer's actual monthly readiness for service (RFS) charge shall be calculated by multiplying the effective RFS rate shown above by the appropriate readiness for service factor as identified below:
      Water Meter Size          Readiness for Service Factor
         5/8"               1
         3/4"               1
         1"               2
         1½”               4
         2"               7
         3"               16
         4"               28
   (c)   Each customer connected to the Municipal sewage disposal system within the Village who is not also connected to the Municipal water system shall install, at his or her own expense, a water meter on his or her water supply line of a type approved by the Village Manager, or in lieu of being charged on the basis of a water meter reading, shall be charged on the basis of water consumption as estimated by the Village Manager.
   (d)   Each customer connected to the Municipal sewage disposal outside the Village shall pay, in addition to the regular monthly charges, a surcharge not more than one hundred percent of the regular service charge. The surcharge shall be uniform, both as to amount and application, to all customers connected to the Municipal sewage system outside the Village.
   (e)   Sewer service charges shall be due and payable on or before the fifteenth day of the month in which payment is due and a penalty of five percent shall be added to any bill paid after the due date.
   (f)   All sewer fund receipts above the operational and maintenance funds generated by this change in rates shall be periodically calculated and transferred from the sewer fund to the sewer capital improvements fund which will be established to be used exclusively for replacements and other capital needs of the sewer system.
   (g)   For those residents who apply and are accepted, the Village utility billing office will use that customer's water use in the preceding months of December, January and February as a base line, and will compare it to their use for the following June, July and August. Any summer use that reflects higher consumption than the customer’s baseline months of December, January and February will be deducted from that customer's sewer charges up to a maximum adjustment of 6,000 gallons. The adjustment will be made in September, based on that customer's actual meter readings to be reflected on the October bill. To qualify to receive the adjustment, the customer must use the water for an approved purpose, such as yard and garden watering that would typically result in a higher water usage during summer months. Since this adjustment is used for outdoor watering in summer months, it is only offered to those who have outdoor areas. Apartments and other multi-unit housing situations that do not have an outdoor area will not be eligible to receive any adjustment. In the case of a complex that does have areas appropriate for watering, when applying, the landlord shall designate the account to which the adjustment should be made.
   (h)   Sewer adjustment meters, designed for the purpose of measuring larger amounts of water used to irrigate and therefore not entering the sanitary sewer system, are permitted. The amounts measured by such meters shall be deducted from the sewer portion of the utility bill. Such meters shall be purchased from the list of those approved by the Village from private vendors. All sewer adjusting meters must meet the specifications established by the Village and shall be owned and maintained by the property owner. The meters shall be installed in a manner as to register water that does not enter the sanitary sewer system in any way. Such installation shall meet with the standards of the Village and shall be inspected by the Village upon completion. Sewer adjustment credits will only be allowed after inspection and approval of the meter by the Village. Any change in the installation after inspection shall require a new inspection and approval. Failure to promptly obtain a new inspection and approval shall disqualify any adjustment credits from the date of the initial approval of the meter until the new installation is approved. The Village Manager may use a permitting process to keep a record of these meters and may adopt reasonable rules and regulations as needed for implementing this policy, including a reasonable fee for obtaining a permit and inspection from time to time.
(1971 Code § 931.05(c)) (Ord. 1966-6. Passed 9-13-66; Ord. 92-7. Passed 5-4-92; Ord. 2001-9. Passed 6-18-01; Ord. 2002-9. Passed 10-9-02; Ord. 2004-40. Passed 12-20-04; Ord. 2014-13. Passed 6-16-14; Ord. 2014-25. Passed 12-1-14; Ord. 2015- 17. Passed 11-2-15; Ord. 2017-12. Passed 7-3-17; Ord. 2023-02. Passed 2-21-23.)