242.01 Establishment
242.02 Fire Chief; Assistants
242.03 Functions
242.04 Stationing; Work Period
242.05 Requirements for Original Appointments
242.06 Fire & EMS Cadet Program
242.07 Offenses Affecting Employment
242.08 Conversion of Sick and Vacation Leave
242.09 User Fees
Appointment of Division Head - CHTR. § 7.02
Criminal Records Check - see ORC 737.081
Establishment - CHTR. § 7.01
Qualifications - see ORC 124.42
Required Certification - see ORC 4765.30
Residency Requirements for Certain Employees - see ORC 9.481
Unclassified Service - CHTR. § 10.02
(a) Establishment. In accordance with Section 7.01 of the City Charter, a Division of Fire & EMS (Fire & EMS Division) is hereby created within the Department of Public Safety, which shall have a Fire & EMS Chief and such ranks, officers, employees, and volunteers as may from time-to-time be determined by the Council. All personnel of the Fire & EMS Division shall be appointed by the City Manager and shall be under the supervision and control of the Fire & EMS Chief.
(Ord.74-52. Adopted 06/27/74; Ord. 2019-19. Adopted 09/26/19; Ord. 2022-28. Adopted 08/25/22)
(a) Appointment. In accordance with Section 7.01 of the City Charter, the Fire & EMS Chief shall be appointed by the City Manager.
(b) Powers and Duties.
(1) The Fire & EMS Chief shall perform such duties and have such obligations and responsibilities as are set forth in the Xenia City Code or the laws of the State of Ohio, and all other ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Council or applicable statutes of this State.
(2) The Fire & EMS Chief shall direct the work of the Fire & EMS Division and control the assignment, stationing, transferring, and training of all Fire & EMS personnel, subject to the approval of the Public Safety Director.
(3) The Fire & EMS Chief shall establish Division policies, rules and regulations for the working conditions, training courses, organization, and operation of the Fire & EMS Division, subject to the approval of the Public Safety Director.
(4) The Fire & EMS Chief shall have charge and control of the City's fire and EMS apparatus and equipment, assuring the same are kept in good condition and repair.
(c) Reports to Safety Director. The Fire & EMS Chief shall be under the supervision and control of the Public Safety Director.
(d) Assistant Fire & EMS Chiefs. The City Manager may appoint persons to the position of Assistant Fire & EMS Chief, which shall be known as Deputy Fire & EMS Chief, and the Deputy Fire & EMS Chief(s) shall report to the Fire & EMS Chief and shall perform such duties as are assigned by the Fire & EMS Chief.
(e) Unclassified Service. In accordance with Section 10.02 of the City Charter, the positions of Fire & EMS Chief and Deputy Fire & EMS Chief shall be in the unclassified service.
(Ord. 2019-19. Adopted 09/26/19; Ord. 2022-28. Adopted 08/25/22)
(a) Powers and Duties. The Fire & EMS Division, under the supervision and direction of the Fire & EMS Chief, shall perform the following functions:
(1) Fire Services: The Fire & EMS Division shall be responsible for the protection of the lives and property of the people of the City in case of fire, shall investigate the causes of fires and existing fire hazards within the City, and shall endeavor to prevent fires by education and other such methods as may be possible.
(2) EMS Services: The Fire & EMS Division shall be the primary provider of emergency medical services (EMS), ambulance services and rescue services in the City.
(3) Fire Code: The Fire & EMS Division shall be responsible for the enforcement of the Ohio Fire Code, and any inspections required thereunder.
(b) Additional Powers and Duties. The Fire & EMS Division may also perform any other functions consistent with fire protection, fire suppression and prevention, and the provision of emergency medical services as may be necessary or as the City Council, Public Safety Director, City ordinances or State law may designate.
(1964 Code 125.03; Ord. 2019.19. Adopted 09/26/19; Ord. 2022-28. Adopted 08/25/22)
(a) Stationing. The Fire & EMS Chief shall have the exclusive control of the stationing and transferring of all Fire & EMS Division personnel, under such general rules and regulations as the Director of Public Safety prescribes.
(b) Work Period. The standard work period within the Fire & EMS Division shall be 212 hours per twenty-eight (28) days; provided, however, that the Fire & EMS Chief, Deputy & EMS Chief, Captains, or Inspectors may work a forty (40) hour per week work period, as recommended by the Fire & EMS Chief and approved by the Public Safety Director.
(Ord. 74-78. Adopted 08/08/74; Ord. 10-20. Adopted 06/10/10; Ord. 2019-19. Adopted 09/26/19; Ord. 2022-28. Adopted 08/25/22)