A. Unclassified Service. The following positions shall constitute the unclassified service of the City:
(1) The members of City Council, including the Mayor;
(2) The members of all boards, commissions, and committees, whether created by Charter or by the Council;
(3) The City Clerk, Deputy Clerks, Assistant Clerks and other officers and employees of the City Council;
(4) The City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and any assistants or secretaries to the City Manager;
(5) The Finance Director, Assistant Finance Director, and any assistants or secretaries to the Finance Director;
(6) The Law Director, City Prosecutor, any assistants or secretaries to the Law Director, and any special counsel appointed or employed by the Law Director;
(7) The department heads and division heads of the various departments and divisions of the City, including the Police Chief and the Fire Chief, and their assistants;
(8) The Clerk of Court, Deputy Clerks of Court, the Chief Bailiff and Deputy Bailiffs, the Chief Probation Officer and Probation Officers, and other employees of the Xenia Municipal Court;
(9) Seasonal and temporary positions;
(10) Positions requiring peculiar and exceptional qualifications of a scientific, managerial, professional, technical, or educational character;
(11) Ordinary unskilled laborers; and
(12) Any employees placed in the unclassified service by any section of the Ohio Revised Code.
B. Classified Service. The classified service shall comprise all positions not specifically included in this Charter in the unclassified service.