All public improvements shown on the subdivision improvement plan are the responsibility of the subdivider, unless otherwise expressly indicated. All public improvements shall be installed in accordance with the applicable "Rules and Regulations for Subdivision Development" and "Procedure in Obtaining Approval of Plats" as approved by and on file in the office of the City Manager.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
1119.02 RELOCATED TO SECTION 1117.24.
1119.03 RELOCATED TO SECTION 1117.25.
Where the Planning Commission finds that extraordinary hardships may result from strict compliance with these Subdivision Regulations, it may vary the Regulations so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured; provided that such variation will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of the Master Plan or of these Regulations.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)