The following signs may be located in the City as permitted in Section 1331.03.
   (a)    Changeable Copy Signs. One or more civic, educational, or religious institution(s) occupying a building in the City may erect one (1) changeable copy ground sign per building. Governmental institutions may erect one (1) changeable copy ground sign on premises owned thereby regardless as to whether such premises contains an occupied building.
       (1)    For buildings less than fifty feet (50') from the back edge of the curb the sign shall not exceed one (1) square foot per lineal foot of building frontage on that side or ten (10) square feet, whichever is less. For buildings fifty feet (50') or more from the back edge of the curb, the sign shall not exceed one (1) square foot per lineal foot of building frontage on that side or twenty (20) square feet, whichever is less. The size of a sign on Governmental properties not containing an occupied building shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet per side.
      (2)    Design restrictions.
         A.    Changeable copy signs shall not exceed five feet (5') in height, including all supporting or surrounding structures, above ground level measured at its highest point above the ground, and shall not exceed six feet (6') in width including all supporting or surrounding structures. The width of a sign may be increased up to two (2) feet when the height is reduced to four (4) feet or less.
         B.    When internally illuminated, the background shall be darker than the lettering so that no light passes through background. Only the letters, numbers, or other identifying symbols shall be illuminated. No bulb shall exceed sixty (60) watts and bulbs shall not be placed any closer than twelve (12) inches apart. The total wattage of an internally illuminated sign shall not exceed three-hundred and sixty (360) watts. In the case of U shaped or continuous bulbs, each change in direction of a bulb shall be considered a separate bulb. Externally illuminated signs shall not exceed three-hundred (300) watts per side. No bulb shall exceed one- hundred and fifty (150) watts. Lighting shall be continuous for the sole purpose of illuminating the message.
         C.   Changeable copy signs shall be at least twenty (20) feet from the back edge of the curb.
         D.   Changeable copy signs shall have a maximum of two (2) display sides.
   (b)    Canopy Signs. Where permitted, a business owner, lessee, or operator may erect one (1) canopy sign per street frontage, which shall not exceed sixty (60) square feet or one (1) square foot per lineal foot of building frontage, whichever is less. Back-lighted canopy signs shall not exceed fifteen (15) watts per linear foot. Externally illuminated signs shall not exceed three hundred (300) watts per side. No single bulb shall exceed one hundred and fifty (150) watts. Lighting shall be continuous for the sole purpose of illuminating the message.
   (c)    Ground Signs. Where permitted, a business owner, lessee, or operator may erect one (1) ground sign. In addition to a Changeable Copy Sign, Governmental institutions may also erect one (1) ground sign on a premises owned thereby regardless as to whether such premises contains an occupied building.
      (1)    For buildings between twenty-five (25) feet and fifty feet from the back edge of the curb, the sign shall not exceed ten (10) square feet in area per side or one (1) square foot per lineal foot of building frontage, whichever is less. For buildings more than fifty feet from the back edge of the curb, the sign shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in area per side, or one (1) square foot per lineal foot of building frontage, whichever is less. The size of a ground sign on Governmental properties not containing an occupied building, shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet per side.
      (2)    Design restrictions.
         A.    Ground signs shall not exceed five (5) feet in height, including all supporting or surrounding structures above ground level, measured at its highest point above the ground, and shall not exceed six (6) feet in width including all supporting or surrounding structures. The width of a sign may be increased up to two (2) feet if the height is reduced to four (4) feet or less.
         B.   Ground signs shall have a maximum of two (2) display sides.
         C.   When internally illuminated, the background shall be darker than the lettering so that no light passes through background. Only the letters, numbers, or other identifying symbols shall be illuminated. No bulb shall exceed sixty (60) watts and bulbs shall not be placed any closer than twelve (12) inches apart. The total wattage of an internally illuminated sign shall not exceed three hundred and sixty (360) watts. In the case U-shaped or continuous bulbs, each change in direction of a bulb shall be considered a separate bulb. Externally illuminated signs shall not exceed three hundred (300) watts per side. Lighting shall be continuous and provided for the sole purpose of illuminating the message.
         D.   Electronic message signs are not permitted.
         E.   Ground signs shall be set back at least twenty (20) feet from the back edge of the curb.
   (d)    Pole Mounted Signs. Where permitted, a business located at least thirty (30) feet from the back edge of the curb may erect one (1) pole-mounted sign for the purpose of commercial advertising.
      (1)    Design restrictions.
         A.    Pole mounted signs shall not exceed sixty (60) square feet or one (1) square foot per lineal foot of building frontage, whichever is less, including the surrounding structure unless otherwise provided.
         B.   The bottom of the sign shall not be less than ten (10) feet and the top of the sign shall not be more than fifteen (15) feet above the grade.
         C.    Pole mounted signs shall have a maximum of two (2) display sides.
         D.    When internally illuminated, the background shall be darker than the lettering so that no light passes through background. Only the letters, numbers, or other identifying symbols shall be illuminated. No bulb shall exceed sixty (60) watts and bulbs shall not be placed any closer than twelve (12) inches apart. The total wattage of an internally illuminated sign shall not exceed three hundred and sixty (360) watts. In the case of V-shaped or continuous bulbs, each change in direction of a bulb shall be considered a separate bulb. Externally illuminated signs shall not exceed three hundred (300) watts per side. No bulb shall exceed one-hundred and fifty (150) watts. Lighting shall be continuous for the sole purpose of illuminating the message.
         E.    Changeable copy shall be allowed as a portion of the area of a pole sign in the E-Commercial Zoning District, provided that the area allocated to the changeable copy shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the sign area of the side of the sign on which it is located.
         F.    Signs shall be set back at least fifteen (15) feet from the edge of the curb.
         G.    The supporting ground structures shall not exceed eight (8) inches in diameter, or six (6) inches on each side provided that if a supporting structure is used, the area between the supporting structures shall not be enclosed.
         H.    Electronic Message Signs are prohibited.
      (2)    Other signs limited. If a business owner, lessee, or operator erects a pole-mounted sign, it may not erect an additional ground sign or projecting sign.
   (e)    Portable Signs. Portable signs may be erected, where permitted, up to forty-eight (48) hours per display, not to exceed two (2) times during a one-year (1) period.
      (1)    Design restrictions.
         A.    Portable signs shall have a maximum of two (2) display sides.
         B.    Signs may be illuminated internally or externally. For internally illuminated signs, no bulb shall exceed sixty (60) watts and bulbs shall not be placed any closer than twelve (12) inches apart. The total wattage of an internally illuminated sign shall not exceed three hundred and sixty (360) watts. In the case of V-shaped or continuous bulbs, each change in direction of a bulb shall be considered a separate bulb.    Externally illuminated signs shall not exceed three hundred (300) watts per side. Lighting shall be continuous and shall be for the sole purpose of illuminating the message.
         C.    Lights that flash or that change in intensity or signs that provide for changing messages by use of lights or electric means shall not be permitted.
         D.    Signs shall be limited to two display sides and shall not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet per side.
         E.   Signs shall not have arrows, moving or animated parts, or other similar devices.
   (f)   Private Property Traffic Control Signs. Where permitted, a property owner, business owner, lessee, or operator may erect private property traffic control signs.
      (1)    Design restrictions.
         A.    No single sign shall exceed one and one-half (1.5) square feet in sign area.
         B.    No sign shall be greater than three feet (3') in height unless required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
         C.    No sign shall contain a commercial message.
         D.    The total sign area of any sign or signs exceeding one and one-half (1.5) square feet or the total sign area of all such signs exceeding nine (9) square feet shall be calculated in the total sign area permitted on a premises.
   (g)    Projecting Signs. Where permitted, a business owner, lessee or operator may erect one (1) projecting sign for the purpose of commercial advertising.
      (1)   Design restrictions.
         A.    Projecting signs shall have a maximum of two (2) display sides.
         B.    Any such projecting sign shall be solidly anchored by a single, cantilevered support extending from the face of the building.
         C.    When internally illuminated, the background shall be darker than the lettering so that no light passes through background. Only the letters, numbers, or other identifying symbols shall be illuminated. No bulb shall exceed sixty (60) watts and bulbs shall not be placed any closer than twelve (12) inches apart. The total wattage of an internally illuminated sign shall not exceed three hundred and sixty (360) watts. In the case of U-shaped or continuous bulbs, each change in direction of a bulb shall be considered a separate bulb. Externally illuminated signs shall not exceed three hundred (300) watts per side. No bulb shall exceed one hundred and fifty (150) watts. Lighting shall be continuous for the sole purpose of illuminating the message.
         D.    Shall not be less than eight (8) feet, nor more than fifteen (15) feet, above grade. Projecting signs shall not extend above the gutter line of the building unless mounted on the gable end of a building.
         E.    Shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet per side including the surrounding structure.
   (h)    Temporary Signs. Temporary signs are permitted as follows:
      (1)    Temporary signs in residential districts.
         A.    There shall be no more than four (4) temporary signs on a single occupied lot or tract in a residential district at any one time.
            (1)   There shall be no more than two (2) temporary signs on a vacant lot or abandoned or vacant property.
            (2)   Except as provided for in Section 1331.04(h)(1)B., no sign allowed under Section 1331.04(h)(1) shall exceed six (6) square feet in size per side and no such sign shall have more than two (2) sides. Temporary signs may not be illuminated or animated.
         B.   In addition to the temporary signs permitted by Section 1331.04(h)(1)A., governmental and institutional uses located on a premises within a residential zoning district may erect one temporary sign not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in size, for a cumulative period not to exceed ninety (90) days in a calendar year provided that no single sign may be displayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days and provided further that all such signs are subject to all of the requirements of this Section.
      (2)    Temporary signs in nonresidential districts.
         A.    No temporary sign in a nonresidential district shall be larger than twelve (12) square feet per side. No such sign shall have more than two (2) sides.
         B.    Temporary signs may not be illuminated or animated.
         C.    If a temporary sign relates to a non-commercial event, it shall be removed within seven (7) days after the conclusion of the event.
         D.    Except for signs allowed under Section 1331.04(h)(2)D.(1), a permit is required for any temporary sign, pennant, banner, flag, and/or streamer in a nonresidential zoning district that contains a commercial message. Except as otherwise provided for in Section 1331.04(h)(2)E., such signs are allowed to be displayed for up to thirty (30) days in a calendar year. No such device may be erected while a portable sign is being displayed on the premises.
            (1)    Signs offering a building or premises for sale, lease or rent do not require permits and may be displayed in accordance with Section 1331.04(h)(1)A.
         E.    In addition to the other temporary signs permitted by this Code, retail, food service establishments, and other commercial businesses which occupy a building on a premises located within the Commercial Zoning Districts may erect one Temporary Banner Sign on the front facade of the building frontage or one Temporary Sandwich Board Sign within the public right-of-way directly contiguous to the building frontage in accordance with the following:
            (1)    Temporary Banner Signs shall be not larger than six (6) square feet, shall be affixed to and suspended from a single decorative wooden or wrought iron pole not exceeding one and one-quarter (1.25) inches in diameter which pole the lowest projection of which shall not be any lower than eight (8) feet above grade.
            (2)    Temporary Sandwich Board Signs shall not contain more than two (2) display sides, be larger than nine (9) square feet per side, two and one-half (2.5) feet in width, or four (4) feet in height and must be constructed of naturally weather resistant materials or painted or otherwise protected from decay from any cause. The paint or color scheme shall contain not more than four colors including the background.
               (a)    The placement of any such sign shall ensure that adequate room for pedestrian traffic is provided. A minimum clear and unobstructed width of 5' shall be provided and maintained on all public sidewalks for pedestrians. No crosswalk, means of egress from any building, driveway, or parking lot access shall be blocked or obstructed by any such temporary sign. No sign shall be placed so as to obstruct passenger access to or from vehicles parking along the curb line or so as to obstruct the view of pedestrians legally occupying the sidewalk or crosswalk by passing motorists.
               (b)    Signs may not be displayed in the right-of-way in front of any single business for more than one hundred and eighty (180) days in any calendar year and no single message shall be displayed on a sign for more than thirty (30) days in a calendar year.
               (c)    Signs may only be displayed during the most restrictive of the following times:
                  i.   Between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
                  ii.    Only while the establishment is open for business.
                  iii.    Only during daylight hours.
               (d)    No Temporary Banner Sign or Temporary Sandwich Board Sign shall be illuminated or animated and no such sign shall contain ribbons, balloons, or other items or materials that project beyond the face or display area of the sign.
               (e)    All Temporary Banner Signs and Temporary Sandwich Board Signs shall maintained in A + condition.
   (i)    Temporary Sign Permit Application. Prior to erecting a temporary sign not otherwise exempt from the permitting requirements of this Code, the property owner, organization, business owner, lessee, or operator shall submit a permit application to, and shall obtain the approval of, the City Manager which application shall include the following details:
      (1)    A sketch of the sign showing construction methods and materials, dimensions and height;
      (2)    Proposed locations, including property address, name(s), and phone number(s) of property owner(s) and the location of the device on the premises;
      (3)    The total number of proposed signs;
      (4)    Dates of display; and
      (5)    Number of display sides.
      (6)    In addition to the foregoing, an owner or operator of a qualifying business submitting an application to erect a Temporary Sandwich Board Sign, shall also provide the following;
         A.    A dimensioned Site Plan indicating the proposed location of the sign including the distance from the building, curb, any nearby cross walks, driveways, or other features to the sign, the dimensions of the paved public sidewalk or tree lawn area on which the sign will be placed and the width of the paved pedestrian ways that will be maintained around the sign.
         B.    A detailed physical description of the proposed sign in sufficient detail to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this Section.
         C.    An indication as to the dates that the sign will be displayed.
         D.    A copy of the business/property owners insurance policy naming the City as additional insured in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 and indemnifying it from claims for accidents and damages that may be incurred as the result of the placement of the sign in the City right-of-way.
   (j)    Wall Signs. Where permitted, a business owner, lessee or operator may erect one (1) wall sign.
      (1)    Design Restrictions.
         A.    Wall signs shall not exceed one (1) square foot of area for each lineal foot of building frontage on that street or sixty (60) square feet of area whichever is less.
         B.    When internally illuminated, the background shall be darker than the lettering so that no light passes through background. Only the letters, numbers, or other identifying symbols shall be illuminated. No bulb shall exceed sixty (60) watts and bulbs shall not be placed any closer than twelve (12) inches apart. The total wattage of an internally illuminated sign shall not exceed three hundred and sixty (360) watts. In the case of U-shaped or continuous bulbs, each change in direction of a bulb shall be considered a separate bulb. Externally illuminated signs shall not exceed three hundred (300) watts per side. No bulb shall exceed one-hundred and fifty (150) watts. Lighting shall be continuous for the sole purpose of illuminating the message.
         C.   Wall signs shall not be painted directly on the building facade.
         D.    Wall signs shall not cover wholly or partially a wall opening or project beyond the ends or top of the wall to which it is attached.
   (k)    Window Signs.
      (1)    Establishments in districts where window signs are allowed may have temporary or permanent window signs containing commercial messages related to the establishment, or noncommercial messages.
      (2)    The total area of all permanent and temporary window signs, as measured by the smallest rectangle able to be drawn around the entire sign including any lettering, border, or other graphics, shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total window space of the building. No single windowpane shall be covered more than fifty percent (50%) at any time. Temporary window signs bearing noncommercial messages shall not be considered to reduce the total amount of signage allowed for a business but shall be subject to the limitations on the coverage of windows. Temporary or permanent window signs bearing a commercial message shall be calculated when determining the square footage of signage displayed by the business, shall be considered to reduce the total amount of signage allowed for a business, and shall also be subject to the limitations on the coverage of windows.
      (3)    Commercial uses in a commercially zoned building may install one window sign using exposed neon tubes provided that such signs must be placed inside of the front door or transom window above the front door and provided that the area of such sign does not exceed one and one-half (1.5) square feet.
(Ord. 13-2012. Passed 10-15-12; Ord. 05-2021. Passed 8-16-21.)