Signs listed in this Section shall be exempt from the permit requirements of this Chapter but shall, to the maximum extent allowed by law, be subject to the other standards of this Chapter. Where a sign is erected pursuant to a statute or a court order, the sign may exceed the size standards of this Chapter or otherwise deviate from the standards set forth in this Chapter to the extent that the statute or court order expressly requires the larger size or other deviation. In all other respects, such signs shall conform to the standards of this Chapter. This exemption shall apply to the following types of signs:
   (a)   Signs conforming with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and bearing no commercial message.
   (b)   Signs bearing no commercial message and installed by employees or officials of the City of Wyoming, Hamilton County, State of Ohio or a federal agency in the course of their governmental duties including directional signs to municipal facilities and historical plaques, markers, and monuments when erected by, or under the authority of, the City of Wyoming;
   (c)   Signs required by a local ordinance when affixed to a mail box located in the right-of-way or painted on the curb provided that such signs do not exceed one-half of one (.5) square feet, and signs required by a state or federal statute;
   (d)   Signs required by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction;
   (e)   Signs installed by public utilities in their rights-of-way or on their facilities and bearing no commercial message other than such message that is necessary to identify the use.
   (f)   Signs installed by a transit company with a franchise or other right to operate in the City of Wyoming, where such signs are installed along its routes and relate to schedules or other information about the transit route.
   (g)   Signs that are no larger than, one and one-half (1.5) square feet in size, are not illuminated, and contain no commercial message; if such a sign is freestanding, having a height no greater than three (3) feet to be subject to the partial exemption of this Section.
   (h)   Wall signs permitted in residential districts under Section 1331.03(c)(2).
   (i)   Temporary signs permitted in residential districts under Section 1331.04(h)(1).
   (j)   Temporary signs exempted in accordance with Section 1331.04 (h)(2)D.
   (k)   Temporary holiday decorations containing no commercial message during appropriate times of the year.
   (l)   Private Property Traffic Control Signs in accordance with Section 1331.04(f).
      (Ord. 13-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
   (m)   Banner Signs announcing specific City sponsored events within the City of Wyoming.
      (1)   Banner Signs shall be permitted to be displayed no earlier than ten (10) days before a scheduled event and must be removed within two (2) days of such event. No single Banner Sign may be displayed more than fourteen (14) days. No Banner Sign notifying residents of an event, whether occurring one or more times in a calendar year, may be displayed more than one time in a calendar year. The total display period of all Banner Signs shall not exceed ninety (90) days in a calendar year.
      (2)   Horizontal Banner Signs shall be no larger than ninety (90) square feet.
      (3)   Horizontal Banner Signs shall be permitted to be erected at the Village Green and Civic Center within the City of Wyoming.
      (4)   Vertical Banner Signs shall be no larger than eighteen inches by forty-eight inches (18" x 48"), six (6) square feet.
      (5)   Vertical Banner Signs shall be permitted to be installed on temporary brackets that are affixed to the decorative light poles, utility poles, and other City owned poles in the rights-of-way on Wyoming Avenue from its intersection with Springfield Pike to the easterly corporation line, on Grove Avenue from Wyoming Avenue to Wilmuth Avenue, on Oak Avenue from Wyoming Avenue to Wirtz Way and on Springfield Pike between the north and south corporation lines.
      (6)   No Banner Sign shall include a commercial message or the name, logo, corporate colors, emblem, figures, numerals, design, or marks representing any entity other than the City of Wyoming.
      (7)   Only City employees or designated agents of the City shall install or remove Banner Signs.
(Ord. 16-2014. Passed 9-15-14.)