An owner or owners, i.e. the developer of a tract of land consisting of an area of not less than three (3) acres may seek approval of a Planned Unit Development. Provided however that any such tract of land that is partially or wholly located within the City of Wyoming Village Historic District, or that contains any property that is individually recognized on the National Register of Historic Places that is located outside of the District, such tract must contain a minimum land area of five (5) acres.
   The developer of any such tract, seeking approval of a Planned Unit Development, shall submit to the City Manager, fifteen copies of a PUD application, which shall include the following:
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
   (a)    An area map showing adjacent property owners and existing uses within two hundred feet of the tract.
   (b)    A legal description of the metes and bounds of the tract.
   (c)    A current survey.
   (d)    A topographic map showing contour intervals of not more than five feet of elevation.
   (e)    A sketch plan(s) approximately to scale, though it need not be to the precision of a finished engineering drawing, clearly showing the following:
      (1)    The existing topographical features of the tract;
      (2)    The general outlines of any interior roadway and sidewalk system and all existing rights-of-way and easements, whether public or private;
      (3)    Delineation of the various land use areas with an indication for each such area of its general extent, size and composition in terms of use, outline and location of structures;
      (4)    A calculation of residential density in dwelling units per gross acre, including interior roadways;
      (5)    Open space;
      (6)    Where portions of the tract have been subject to flooding at any time, an indication of the extent and frequency of such flooding;
      (7)    Principal ties to the community at large with respect to on-site and immediately peripheral access roads, transportation, water supply, gas, electric, and telephone service, and storm and sanitary sewers;
       (8)    If the development is to be phased, a general indication as to how the phasing is to proceed. Whether or not the development is to be phased, the sketch plan(s) shall show the intended total project.
   (f)   A general description of how community facilities and services, such as schools, fire and police protection services, and recreational facilities are affected by the development.
   (g)   A general statement showing the impact of the proposed land uses on the surrounding neighborhood, including the effect on traffic, pollution (air, water, and noise), surface water and sewage drainage, soil stability, and visual quality.
   (h)   A general statement of how any common areas or open spaces are to be owned and maintained.
The application shall be accompanied by a filing fee as determined pursuant to a fee schedule established by City Council, which fees are subject to change from time to time as determined by City Council.
Within thirty days of receiving the application, the City Manager shall determine the sufficiency of the application in accordance with the foregoing criteria. If the City Manager determines that the application provides the information requested in this section, he shall authorize the developer to submit a Development Plan. If the City Manager determines that the application does not provide the information requested in this section, he shall reject the application. The City Manager's decision may be supported by such reports, surveys, expert opinions or other data which he deems relevant.
   With the written consent of the developer, the thirty-day reporting period may be extended to permit the modification of the proposals in the application.
   If such application is determined to be sufficient by the City Manager, he/she shall so advise City Council at the next regularly scheduled meeting thereof and such application shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission for its review in accordance with Section 1181.05.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)