(A)   Special “no parking” spaces may be provided and established by compliance with the following conditions.
      (1)   Any owner or occupant of a building adjacent to a street or alley, desiring “no parking” space immediately in front of a shopping entrance to such building, shall make application to the Police and Fire Commission, setting forth all relevant information and stating the number of feet desired for such purposes.
      (2)   The Commission shall have authority to grant or refuse such application at its discretion, or to grant the same subject to such restrictions or limitations as it may determine is required for the public safety.
      (3)   In case such application is granted, the Commission shall issue to the applicant a permit or certificate setting forth the location of such “no parking” space, the number of feet frontage fixed and such other limitations as may be pertinent. Such permit may, at any time, be withdrawn or further limited by the Commission.
   (B)   To enforce the provisions of such permit, the holder of same shall have the right to place “no parking” signs on the sidewalk, marking the limits of such “no parking” space. Such signs shall be the exact size, character and description required by the Commission, but shall be provided at the expense of the permit holder and shall bear the number of the permit issued by the Commission. No person shall park or allow any vehicle to stop or remain standing in any such special “no parking” space, except for the purpose of taking on or discharging passengers or loading or unloading merchandise.
(Prior Code, § 35-44) Penalty, see § 72.999