(A)   Council may undertake a review of any license at any time for purposes of making recommendations to the state’s Liquor Control Commission regarding renewal of said license.
   (B)   Council shall consider:
      (1)   Whether a licensed establishment has been operated, during the existing licensed year, in a manner consistent with the provisions of this subchapter and all applicable laws and regulations;
      (2)   Whether continued operation of the licensed establishment is reasonably likely to adversely affect investment in real property in the neighborhood of the establishment (this consideration shall include, inter alia, entertainment, events or promotions);
      (3)   Whether impact upon the neighborhood is otherwise contrary to the peace, health, safety, order and tranquility of the community; and
      (4)   Whether all of the criteria and standards contained in of this subchapter have been complied with in a timely manner.
(Prior Code, § 21-282) (Ord. 1178, passed 10-6-2003)