(A)   No garage, tent, trailer, motor home, accessory building, nor any vehicle or building not specifically approved by the Building Inspector, may be used at any time as a dwelling. The basement portion of finished home or apartment may be used for normal eating and sleeping purposes; provided, it is properly damp-proofed, has suitable fire protection and exits, and is otherwise approved by the Building Inspector.
   (B)   One travel trailer or motor home (not to include mobile homes nor park trailers) is permitted for seasonal use on any lot, provided that the following conditions are met.
      (1)   Only one such unit is allowed per lot.
      (2)   Sewage must be properly treated or hauled away. On lots which have been declared by the Board of Adjustment to be unacceptable as a building site, the unit shall have a self-contained holding tank and sewage shall be hauled away for treatment and disposal.
      (3)   The travel trailer is for guests or recreational use only. It may not be occupied on any lot for more than 90 days in any one year.
      (4)   The unit must have a current license attached in accord with state law.
      (5)   Placement of the unit shall comply with all setback requirements for a principal structure.
(Ord. 18-4, passed 6-19-2018)