(A)   Purpose. This section is adopted for the purpose of:
      (1)   Preserving the county's agricultural and rural heritage and landscapes.
      (2)   Enhancing the county's appeal to visitors who are drawn to its rural and agricultural environment.
      (3)   Providing opportunities for new economic growth through commercial agricultural tourism.
      (4)   Allowing for commercial agricultural tourism that does not conflict with permitted agricultural operations and developed residential areas.
   (B)   Standards. The following standards shall apply to all commercial agricultural tourism uses.
      (1)   Commercial agricultural tourism shall be located on a parcel of at least ten acres in size which has a residence or entitlement.
      (2)   Commercial agricultural tourism shall be shown to have a unique or demonstrable relationship with the county and be correlated to agricultural and rural features in accordance with the above stated purposes.
      (3)   Large scale events and gatherings held inside a building must be associated with an outdoor agricultural or rural outdoor activity, or be seasonal or part-time in nature. Any associated food must be catered. The Planning Commission may allow for limited food preparation provided it meets the underlying intent of the commercial agricultural tourism use. Alcohol must be catered.
      (4)   Commercial agricultural tourism shall require an interim use permit in accord with § 155.031 of the county Zoning Ordinance and must comply with the county land use plan.
   (C)   Conditions. As part of any interim use permit the Planning Commission shall adopt conditions which address the following criteria:
      (1)   Must not create an excessive demand upon existing services or amenities.
      (2)   Must be screened or able to be screened adequately, or are sufficiently separated from adjacent residences to prevent negative impacts to nearby properties.
      (3)   Must have an appearance that is consistent and compatible with the surrounding area and land uses.
      (4)   Must not cause traffic hazards or undue congestion.
      (5)   Must not negatively impact surrounding residences and neighbors by the intrusion of noise, glare, odor, or other adverse effects.
(Ord. 16-01, passed 5--2016; Ord. 16-2, passed ---; Ord. 23-1, passed 5-2-2023)