There exists in the city structures which are now or which may in the future become substandard with respect to structure, equipment, maintenance or energy efficiency. That such conditions, together with inadequate provision for light and air, insufficient protection against fire hazards, lack of proper heating, unsanitary conditions and overcrowding, constitute a menace to public health, safety and welfare of its citizens. It is further found and declared that the existence of such conditions, factors or characteristics adversely affects public health and safety and leads to the continuation, extension and aggravation of urban blight with attendant depreciation of property values. It is further found that adequate protection of public health, safety and welfare, therefore, requires the establishment and enforcement of minimum property standards.
(Ord. 962, passed 4-12-04)
All alterations, reconstruction or repair of an existing building shall be done in accordance with applicable sections of the Minnesota State Building Code and Chapters 150 and 155 of this code. Nothing in this chapter shall be applicable to rest homes, convalescent homes, nursing homes or hotels, except that all such structures shall meet the requirements herein which contain provisions pertaining to such structures. All existing structures which were legally altered or repaired under previous editions of the State Building Code may be allowed to exist if they are not determined hazardous by the enforcement officer.
(Ord. 962, passed 4-12-04)
This chapter establishes minimum standards for the occupancy of all structures and buildings and does not replace or modify standards otherwise established for the construction, repair, alteration or use of building equipment or facilities.
(Ord. 962, passed 4-12-04)