No person owning, renting or in possession of property in the village shall permit any object to be planted, placed, erected or allowed to grow so as to impede vision between a height of two and one-half feet (21/2') and ten feet (10') above the street level within the triangle formed by the street lines of a corner lot and a line drawn between two (2) points on the respective intersecting streets seventy five feet (75') from their point of intersection. This provision shall apply to the parking of motor vehicles but shall not apply to permanent buildings or supporting members appurtenant thereto erected prior to the effective date hereof; public utility poles, trees, the limbs of which overhang the public sidewalk and which are kept trimmed of limbs and growths on the trunk to a height of at least eight feet (8') above the sidewalk level 1 , or the limbs of which overhang the public street and at all times are kept trimmed of growth to a height of at least thirteen feet six inches (13'6") above the street level; plants not planted in the form of a hedge which are trimmed so as to leave a clear cross view; ornamental fences 2 not exceeding four feet (4') in height, provided the ratio of the solid portion of the fence to the open shall not exceed one to four (1:4); and official warning signs or signals. (1970 Code §26.14A)



1. See also section 7-10-5 of this code.
1. See also sections 4-5-4 and 4-5-5 of this code.