Any owner of record, lienholder or other person with a legal interest in the motor vehicle shall have the right to appeal the decision of the hearing officer to the Circuit Court of Cook County, pursuant to the administrative review act, 735 ILCs 5/3-101 et seq., as amended. Any respondent seeking review of a final decision shall be required to reimburse the Village for costs of preparing and certifying the record of proceedings. Failure of the respondent to reimburse the Village shall be grounds for the dismissal of a complaint for administrative review pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/3-109. In the event that the reviewing court reverses the finding, decision or order of the administrative hearing officer, the Village will reimburse the respondent for the costs of preparing and certifying the record of proceedings. Any administrative fee posted with the Village to secure the release of the motor vehicle prior to a hearing shall be held by the Village until the hearing officer issues a decision or there is a judicial review of the Administrative Hearing Officer's decision, until a reviewing court issues a final decision. (Ord. 2023-40, 9-19-2023)