(a)   Landscaping Along a Street Frontage.
      (1)   Landscaping shall be provided in any front yard as defined in Section 1115.01(d).
      (2)   The landscaping in Table 1123-2 shall be required unless the principal building is set back five feet or less from the applicable lot line, in which case, the lot shall be exempt from these landscaping regulations.
Land Use
Minimum Plantings
All lots that contain only residential uses.
One deciduous or evergreen tree for every 40 linear feet, or fraction thereof, of street frontage.
All uses in an I-1, I-2, or I-3 Zoning District
One deciduous or evergreen tree plus 10 shrubs for every 125 linear feet, or fraction thereof, of street frontage
All other uses
One deciduous or evergreen tree plus 10 shrubs for every 75 linear feet, or fraction thereof, of street frontage
      (3)   Trees required by Section 1123.05(b) or Section 1123.06 may be included in the calculation to meet the requirements of Table 1123-2. Street trees or shrubs located in the right-of-way shall not be used in the calculation for the requirements of Table 1123-2.
      (4)   All areas not devoted to trees and shrubs shall be planted with grass, ground cover (including mulch, river rock, or similar materials constructed of natural materials), or other live landscape treatment with the exception of any permitted driveway, accessway, structure, or other permitted use.
   (b)   Parking Lot Landscaping.
      (1)   This section establishes the minimum standards by which parking lot will be screened from adjacent public streets or from adjacent properties. In addition, this section delineates standards for landscaping within parking lots.
      (2)   Whenever required landscaping is located within or adjacent to parking lots or driveways, such screening shall be protected by bollards, wheel blocks, or curbing to avoid damage by vehicles.
      (3)   This section shall only apply to properties with parking lots that contain five or more parking spaces.
      (4)   Perimeter Landscaping.
         A.   Perimeter landscaping shall be required when an applicable parking lot abuts adjoining property that is not a right-of-way.
         B.   The perimeter landscaping shall not be required if the parking lot is a shared lot with the adjoining property.
         C.   A landscaped strip meeting the required minimum parking setback (in depth) of the applicable zoning district shall be located between the parking lot and the abutting lot lines. See Section 1125.03(b).
         D.   The landscaped strip shall include one large deciduous tree, two small deciduous trees, or one evergreen tree for each 50 linear feet of parking area that abuts the adjoining property.
         E.   Perimeter landscaping for parking lots in the C-4 District shall be exempt from this section but shall require a buffer in accordance with Section 1123.05(b)(5).
         F.   The requirements for this section shall not apply where planting is required for buffering in accordance with Section 1123.06.
      (5)   Buffering of Parking Lots. When a parking lot is located adjacent to a public street right-of-way, screening shall be provided to reduce the visual impact of the parking lot. A landscaped buffer shall be installed between the parking lot and public rights-of-way per the following requirements:
         A.   A landscaped buffer shall be located directly adjacent to the parking lot and be no less than 10 feet in width in all districts, except the C-4 District, where the buffer may be three feet wide. The buffer shall be composed of a continuous evergreen hedge or dense planting of evergreen shrubs.
         B.   Landscaping shall be at a height of no less than three feet at the time of installation. Landscaping may be placed upon a berm to achieve the required height at planting except in the C-4 District where the use of a berm is prohibited. The minimum buffer height requirement shall not apply when the grading of the site results in an elevation of the adjacent street which is three or more feet higher than the parking lot.
         C.   A fence or a wall may be incorporated into the landscape buffer per the fence requirements of the applicable zoning district. See Section 1113.01.
      (6)   Interior Landscaping.
         A.   There shall be a minimum of 10 square feet of interior landscaping for every parking space.
         B.   The interior landscaping shall be located within landscaped islands that are separated from the perimeter landscaping required in Section 1123.05(b)(4), and shall be scattered throughout the parking area to break up large areas of pavement. Landscaped islands that are designed as extensions from the perimeter landscaping areas shall also be considered as interior parking area landscaping but shall not count as the perimeter landscaping area. See Figure 1123-A.
Figure 1123-A: Illustration of the landscaped areas (darkened landscaped islands) that count towards the minimum interior parking area requirement.
Figure 1123-B: The below images show different options for landscaped islands with the top image illustrating landscaped islands that run the full length of parking spaces. The bottom image illustrates a smaller landscaped island at the end of a parking bay.
         C.   Interior landscaped areas shall be dispersed so as to define aisles and break up the expanse of paving and limit unbroken rows of parking to a maximum of 100 feet.
         D.   Landscape islands shall have a minimum size of 162 square feet within a minimum dimension of nine feet in any direction to provide a suitable living environment for the landscaping.
         E.   If an existing tree is to be used to meet the requirements of this subsection, the landscape island shall be equal in size to the tree's drip line area to protect the root system of the existing tree.
         F.   All areas of a landscape island not devoted to trees and shrubs shall be planted with grass, ground cover (including mulch, river rock, or similar materials constructed of natural materials), or other live landscape treatment.
         G.   At least one large deciduous tree must be provided per ten parking spaces within landscape islands, provided there is no impairment to visibility of motorists or pedestrians. In no case shall there be less than one tree planted in each landscaped island.
         H.   If the specific application of the interior landscape requirements will seriously limit functions of the building site, the Zoning Administrator shall have authority to permit consolidation and relocation of these landscaped areas on the building site.
            (Ord. 2018-009. Passed 5-7-18.)