(a)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish provisions for a visual screen or buffer between incompatible uses and to reduce the effects of glare from automobile headlights, noise and other objectionable activities conducted on a given lot.
   (b)   Buffer Requirements. Table 1123-3 shall establish when a buffer yard is required between uses and zoning districts.
Adjacent To:
Any Use in an R-1, R-2,
or R-T District
Any lot in an R-3 or R-4 District
Proposed Use:
Any nonresidential use in an R-1, R-2, R-T or PD District
Any use in an R-3 or R-4 District except single-family or two-family dwellings
Any use in a C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, CF, I-1, I-2 or I-3 District
   (c)   Required Buffer Width. The width of the buffer yard shall be equal to the parking set back set forth in the applicable zoning district (See Section 1125.03(b).) or 10 feet, whichever is greater.
   (d)   Location of Buffers.
      (1)   The landscape buffer shall be provided along the entire lot line between the two adjacent uses identified in Table 1123-3.
      (2)   Buffers required by this section shall be located completely on the lot subject to the buffer requirement and only along the outer perimeter of the lot where it abuts another lot, and shall extend to the lot line or right-of-way line.
      (3)   The buffer yard may be placed in the lower intensity zoning district or partially within both zoning districts if both sides of the zoning district line and the entire buffer yard width are within common ownership and a permanent easement is provided over any portion of the buffer yard not within the higher-intensity zoning district.
      (4)   If a buffer yard is located in a residential development that has an owners' association or other similar legal entity, all buffer yards shall be located in open space owned by the association or in an open space easement controlled by the owners' association.
      (5)   When property lines abut an adjacent jurisdiction, the Planning Commission shall determine the specific screening and buffering requirements along that property line after consideration of the zoning designation and or land use of the adjacent property. Requirements shall not exceed those that would be required for similarly situated/zoned property within the City of Wooster.
   (e)   Vegetation Requirements within the Buffer. When the natural vegetation within the required buffer yard does not form a solid, continuous, visual screen or does not have a minimum height of six feet along the entire length of the common boundary at the time of occupancy, screening shall be installed in compliance with this subsection.
      (1)   Screening design and development shall be compatible with the existing and proposed land use and development character of the surrounding land and structures. Screening within the buffer yard shall consist of one or more or combination thereof of the following:
         A.   A dense vegetative planting incorporating trees and/or shrubs of a variety which shall be equally effective in winter and summer. Trees and/or shrubs shall be adequately spaced to form a solid, continuous visual screen within three years after the initial installation. At a minimum, at the time of planting, the spacing of trees shall not exceed 12 feet on center, and the planting pattern shall be staggered. Shrubbery shall be more closely spaced.
         B.   Non-living opaque structures such as a solid masonry wall that is compatible in materials and color with the principal structure, or a solid wood fence, together with a landscaped area at least 10 feet wide. The fences and walls shall comply with the standards of Section 1113.01.
         C.   An ornamental fence with openings through which light and air may pass together with a landscaped area at least 10 feet wide. The fences shall comply with the standards of Section 1113.01.
         D.   A landscaped mound or berm at least seven feet wide.
      (2)   The location of the wall, fence, or vegetation shall be placed within the buffer yard to maximize the screening effect, as determined by the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission.
      (3)   The wall, fence, and vegetation shall be continuous and in place at the time of occupancy. If vehicular or pedestrian access through the screen is necessary, the screening function shall be preserved.
      (4)   The height of screening shall be in accordance with the following:
         A.   Visual screening by walls, fences, or mounds in combination with vegetation, fences or walls shall be a minimum of six feet high measured from the natural grade, except as set forth in sub-section B. below.
         B.   Whenever the required screening is located within a front yard, the required screening shall not exceed a height of three feet.
         C.   When used alone, vegetation shall be a minimum of six feet high, as measured from the natural grade, in order to accomplish the desired screening effect. The required height shall be achieved no later than three years after the initial installation.
   (f)   Development within Required Buffers. The required buffer shall not contain any development, impervious surfaces, or site features that do not function to meet the standards of this section or that require removal of existing vegetation, except for the following features:
      (1)   Fences or walls;
      (2)   Sidewalks, trails, and other elements associated with passive recreation, if all required landscaping is provided;
      (3)   Signs and light posts;
      (4)   Driveways, access roads, and similar uses if they cross perpendicularly across a required buffer, are designed to limit disturbance of vegetation; or
      (5)   Overhead and underground utilities required or allowed by the City.
         (Ord. 2018-009. Passed 5-7-18.)