There is hereby established a Fire Prevention Board. It shall consist of five members, who shall serve without compensation and who shall be appointed by the Mayor for terms of three years. When a vacancy occurs the Mayor shall appoint another person to serve on the Board for the unexpired term. Members of the Board shall be eligible for reappointment, but in accordance with §4.06 of the Charter, no member shall serve for more than twelve consecutive years.
The Mayor may appoint three City officials, who are knowledgeable in matters with which the Board deals, to serve as ex-officio members of the Board.
(Ord. 2011-02. Passed 2-7-11.)
The Fire Prevention Board shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) To hear and rule on all appeals under Section 1501.14,
(b) To review and recommend necessary changes of the Fire Prevention Code.
(c) Make those divisions and departments of the City affected by rulings, aware of the Board's decisions.
(d) It shall not hear any appeals on the Ohio Basic Building Code.
(Ord. 1981-48. Passed 11-2-81.)
The Fire Prevention Board shall adopt its own rules and regulations of procedures and keep a record of its proceedings which shall show the action taken by the Board and the vote of each member present upon each question considered. Interpretations of the Fire Prevention Code made by the Board and policies established by the Board, where the same are not otherwise provided by law, shall be binding upon the Fire Prevention Bureau. An affirmative vote of a majority of the members shall be required to establish every decision of the Board.
(Ord. 1981-48. Passed 11-2-81.)
1503.04 MEETINGS.
The Fire Prevention Board shall meet at least once every month at a regular time and place determined by the Fire Chief for the purpose of hearing appeals and such other matters as the Fire Chief shall require. Monthly meetings may be cancelled by the Fire Marshal of the Bureau of Fire Prevention when there is no business or appeal to be heard. (Ord. 1981-48. Passed 11-2-81.)
(a) All appeals to the Fire Prevention Board shall be filed with the Bureau of Fire Prevention in writing.
(b) The Board shall be required to consider appeals only if filed within seven days after the decision appealed from and shall be required to consider at any meeting seven days prior to the date of such meeting.
(c) The Board shall issue a decision on the matter appealed within seventy-five days of the date of the receipt of the appeal to the Fire Prevention Bureau.
(Ord. 1981-48. Passed 11-2-81.)