737.01 Taxicab defined.
737.02 License required.
737.03 License fee.
737.04 Medical certificate; other driver conditions.
737.05 License term; fee proration.
737.06 Revocation of driver's privileges.
737.07 Soliciting passengers.
737.08 Marking of vehicle; information to be displayed within vehicle.
737.09 Insurance required.
737.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate - see Ohio R.C. 715.22, 715.66
Power to establish stands and fix rates - see Ohio R.C. 715.25
Minimum age of operator - see Ohio R.C. 4507.321
Motor vehicle licensing and accidents - see TRAF. Ch. 335
Commercial and heavy vehicles - see TRAF. Ch. 339
Drivers of commercial cars and tractors - see TRAF. Ch. 341