(A)   In addition to the penalties provided in § 95.99 hereof, the City Clerk may issue notice and order to the registered owner or tenant in possession of the property, from which it is determined, that the items constituting the violation came from.
   (B)   The notice and order described above shall give ten days’ notice to remove all material constituting the violation of this subchapter.
   (C)   The notice and order may be served in person or by registered mail. If served by registered mail, the ten-day notice period shall not begin to run until two days from the mailing of said notice and order.
   (D)   In the event that the person or persons on whom the notice and order is served fails to comply with the order to remove the materials placed in the public easement, which constitutes a violation hereof, the city, or its designated agent, shall remove, at the expense of the resident or tenant in possession, all such material constituting the violation of § 95.01 hereof. The cost for such removal shall be assessed and become a lien against the registered owner or tenant in possession.
   (E)   Any person aggrieved by the order issued by the City Clerk may request a hearing before the City Council by application to said City Clerk. Such request must be in writing and filed with the City Clerk within five days from receipt of said order. There shall be a $50 fee for filing said hearing request. The hearing shall be before the City Council at its next designated regular meeting. Removal as provided in division (D) above shall be suspended pending a hearing before the City Council. The $50 fee for a hearing shall be refunded should the City Council by majority vote determine the party on whom the notice was served did not violate this subchapter.
(Ord. 5, series 1993-1994, passed 10-12-1993)