(a)   At the time of application for a renewal of a vacant building license the owner shall arrange with the Building Commissioner/Inspector for the inspection of the building, its premises and interior. If the owner fails or refuses to consent to and arrange for an inspection, the Building Commissioner/ Inspector shall not renew the Vacant Building Maintenance license.
   (b)   The Building Commissioner/Inspector shall renew a Vacant Building Maintenance license if, after following an inspection, he or she is satisfied that:
      (1)   The building is in compliance with the vacated Building Maintenance standards in § 1470.09.
      (2)   The building is adequately protected from intrusion by trespassers and from deterioration by the weather.
      (3)   The presence of the building will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare.
      (4)   The presence of the building will not unreasonably interfere with the reasonable and lawful use and enjoyment of other premises within the neighborhood.
      (5)   The building will not pose any extraordinary hazard to police officers or fire fighters entering the premises in times of emergency. Otherwise the Building Commissioner/Inspector shall dent renewal.
   (c)   The license renewal shall be for one year, which renewal shall run from the anniversary of the date that the building or portion thereof was initially vacated by the Building Commissioner/Inspector.
(Ord. 23-2014, passed 4-29-2014)