(a) No person in or around the Woodlawn Community Swimming Pool shall:
(1) Run on cement;
(2) Scream excessively;
(3) Wrestle;
(4) Act as though he or she is drowning;
(5) Hang or climb on the diving boards or fence;
(6) Be on a diving board that is already occupied;
(7) Dive from any part of the diving board except the front;
(8) Dive until the diving area is clear;
(9) Fail to swim immediately from the diving area after he or she dives;
(10) Sit or stand on any pool ladder;
(11) Perform back dives from the side of the pool;
(12) Dive in the shallow end;
(13) Enter the water unless a lifeguard is on duty;
(14) Sit in the lifeguard’s chair unless he or she is the lifeguard;
(15) Take a towel into the water;
(16) Chew gum in the water; or
(17) Use profanity.
(b) The wading pool is for children under the age of six years. Adults or guardians may accompany youngsters in the wading pool.
(c) All food, beverages and smoking shall be confined to the concession area.
(d) Everyone is expected to take a good soap shower before entering the pool.
(e) For ten minutes on the hour, there will be a break, designated by whistle blasts.
(f) Everyone entering the pool shall have a swimsuit.
(g) Forms of artificial support, such as floats, are not permitted in the main pool.
(h) No intoxicating beverages or drugs are permitted. Those displaying an intoxicated manner will be asked to leave.
(i) Persons with ill health are expected to abide by doctors’ orders. Anyone with open sores may be asked to leave if it is felt that the sores are harmful to others.
(j) Lost and found articles shall be disposed of on a weekly basis.
(k) Lifeguards shall be obeyed at all times.
(l) Violators of pool rules are subject to penalty times and/or daily dismissal.
(Ord. 26-1979, passed 10-9-1979)