(A)   The following wastes may not be deposited in solid waste containers or receptacles:
      (1)   Hazardous waste;
      (2)   Liquid waste;
      (3)   Bulky waste, major appliances, furniture (specialized directions may be received from the County Solid Waste Department);
      (4)   Tires;
      (5)   Construction and demolition debris (may be disposed of at a county-maintained disposal facility);
      (6)   Dead animals;
      (7)   Any burning or smoldering materials or any other materials that would create a fire hazard or cause a chemical reaction within the container; or
      (8)   Batteries (lead acid).
   (B)   No person may remove any item from a solid waste receptacle, climb on or into a container or receptacle, or damage any container.
(Ord. 12-02 § 3.10, passed 11-12-2002) Penalty, see § 50.999