(a)   The application for a permit shall be filed with the Village Administrator. The Village Administrator and/or his or her designee may request such information from the applicant as is necessary to determine that the fill project requested for approval will meet the requirements of this chapter. The Village Administrator may consult with the Village Engineer and/or the Village of Wolverine Lake Council before making a determination on said application. The Village Administrator and/or his or her designee shall issue the permit if satisfied that the following requirements are fully met:
      (1)   The fill project will not impede drainage.
      (2)   The fill project will not alter the topographical features of the applicant's property causing a change in the natural flow of surface waters with respect to adjoining properties.
      (3)   The fill project will not be in violation of any condition of this chapter or other Village ordinances or State law.
      (4)   The fill project uses only soil as defined in Section 1464.04.
      (5)   The fill project does not endanger health, safety or welfare of any individual.
   (b)   When necessary to a proper consideration of the factors listed in Section 1464.06, the Village Administrator and/or his or her designee is authorized to require the applicant to furnish any or all of the information described in this subsection.
      (1)   A full identification of the applicant and all persons to be directly or indirectly interested in the permit if granted.
      (2)   The residence and business address of the applicant, including all members of any firm or partnership or all officers and directors of any corporation applying for a permit.
      (3)   The exact nature of the proposed soil to be used in the project and an estimate of the approximate number of cubic yards involved.
      (4)   The proposed route for transporting the soil.
      (5)   The past experience of the applicant in the matter to which the permit appertains and the name, address and past experience in such matters of the person to be in charge of the proposed operations.
      (6)   The location of the place and the name and address of all persons and firms from whom or from which the soil and any materials to be used in the project are to be obtained.
      (7)   The time within which the project is to be commenced after the granting of said permit, the time when it is to be completed and the sequence of operations and hours of operation.
      (8)   Such further information as the Village may require to evaluate the impact of the proposed fill project on the health, safety and welfare of the community.
      (9)   A topographic map of existing land features prepared under the supervision of a land surveyor or professional engineer (civil), registered in the State of Michigan, at a scale not smaller than 100 feet to one inch, indicating:
         A.   A legal survey of the property wherein filling is proposed.
         B.   Existing ground surface elevations for involved property and adjacent, contiguous areas within 300 feet of said property boundaried, by accurate contours at intervals not exceeding two feet, U.S.G.S. datum.
         C.   All existing surface and subsurface improvements within the area covered by the map, such as buildings, roads, driveways, fences, culverts, pipe lines, electric and telephone lines, etc., accurately located and clearly identified and described.
         D.   Existing drainage courses, with channel cross-section and profile information.
         E.   Permanent parcel number(s) as on record with the County of Oakland of the subject site and all abutting properties, with ownership.
         F.   Seal of the surveyor or engineer that supervised the preparation of the map, on each sheet thereof.
      (10)   A map or drawing of the proposed land fill/land balancing, prepared under the supervision of a land surveyor or professional engineer (civil), registered in the State of Michigan, at the same scale as the topographic map indicating:
         A.   Proposed finished surface elevations and slopes, by contours at intervals not exceeding two feet, on U.S.G.S. datum, with cross-sections as necessary to clearly indicate proposed slopes and drainage provisions around the periphery of the proposed site.
         B.   Clear delineation of limits of proposed grade changes.
         C.   Location of proposed access road or roads from the public highway to the proposed site.
         D.   Stormwater drainage provisions, both during and following completion of operations, including drainage pattern, run-off calculations and detailed information for proposed new or improved drainage facilities.
         E.   Type of proposed fill material and proposed placement and compaction methods.
         F.   Details of provisions for controlling soil erosion and for controlling sedimentation onto contiguous properties and into water courses, both during and following completion of the operation.
         G.   Seal of the surveyor or engineer that supervised the preparation of the map, on each sheet thereof.
(Ord. 109. Passed 5-19-83.)