(a)   General Requirements. 
      (1)   Location. All parking spaces required to serve buildings or uses erected or established after the effective date of this Zoning Code shall be located on the same zoning lot as the building or use served, except that parking spaces to serve office or commercial buildings or uses may be located within 500 feet of such use if said spaces and uses are located in an Office or Commercial District. However, parking spaces for handicapped persons shall be located on the same zoning lot as the use served. Buildings or uses existing on the effective date of this Zoning Code which are subsequently altered or enlarged so as to require the provision of parking spaces under this Zoning Code, may be served by parking facilities located on land other than the zoning lot on which the building or use served is located, provided such facilities are within 500 feet walking distance of a main entrance to the use served. Owners of property, non-conforming as to parking, who elect to provide parking and become conforming may locate such parking on land other than the zoning lot on which the building or use is located, as allowed in this section. However, parking spaces for handicapped persons shall be located on the same zoning lot as the use served. Off-street parking spaces, open to the sky, may be located in any yard, except the required front yard in a Residential District. Enclosed buildings and carports containing off-street parking shall be subject to applicable yard requirements.
      (2)   Control of off-site parking facilities. In cases where parking facilities are permitted on land other than the zoning lot on which the building or use served is located, such facilities shall be in the same possession as the zoning lot occupied by the building or use to which the parking facilities are accessory. Such possession shall be by deed or lease, and such deed or lease shall be filed with the Village Clerk. If possession is by lease, said lease shall be for a term extending not less than twenty years beyond the date on which the property receives final approval for meeting the parking requirements of this Zoning Code. The deed or lease shall require such owner or his or her heirs and assigns to maintain the required number of parking facilities for the duration of the use served or of the deed or lease, whichever shall terminate sooner.
      (3)   Size. Except for parallel parking spaces, each required off-street parking space shall be at least eight feet in width and at least nineteen feet in length, exclusive of access drives or aisles, ramps, columns, or office or work areas. Such space shall have a vertical clearance of at least seven feet. For parallel parking, the length of the parking space shall be increased to twenty-four feet. All other requirements as to size shall be as hereinafter set forth in the attached Off-Street Parking Chart.
      (4)   Access. Except on lots accommodating single-family dwellings, each off-street parking space shall open directly upon an aisle or driveway at least twelve feet wide or such additional width and design as to provide safe and efficient means of vehicular access to such parking space. All off-street parking facilities shall be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street in a manner which will least interfere with traffic movement.
      (5)   Collective provision. No parking space or portion thereof shall serve as a required space for more than one use. Off-street parking facilities for separate uses may be provided collectively. If parking facilities for separate uses are provided collectively, the total number of spaces so provided shall not be less than the number which would be required if the spaces were provided separately, except that the total number of spaces may be reduced by up to twenty-five percent if such a reduction is specifically approved as a special land use. Such an approval shall be granted only on a showing that the parking demands of the two uses do not overlap in time.
      (6)   Computation. When determination of the number of off-street parking spaces required by this chapter results in a requirement of a fractional space, any fraction of less than one-half may be disregarded, while a fraction of one-half or more shall be counted as one parking space. Parking spaces required on an employee basis shall be based on the maximum number of employees on duty or residing, or both, on the premises at any one time.
      (7)   Design and maintenance. 
         A.   Plan. For uses subject to site design review, the plan of parking areas shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission. For other uses, the plan of parking areas shall be subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. All parking areas shall be designed to provide adequate fire lanes and access for emergency vehicles. Fire lanes shall be identified with signs which prohibit parking therein.
         B.   Character. Accessory parking spaces may be open to the sky or enclosed in a building.
         C.   Surfacing. All open off-street parking areas shall be surfaced with a dustless all-weather material capable of carrying a wheel load of 4,000 pounds. A two-inch blacktop on a four-inch base or five inches of Portland cement will meet this requirement, except where special soil-bearing problems exist.
         D.   Screening and landscaping. All open vehicle parking areas shall be screened and landscaped as required in Chapter 1270.
         E.   Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall be directed away from residential properties and public streets in such a way as not to create a nuisance. However, in no case shall such lighting exceed three foot-candles measured at the lot line.
         F.   Wheelstops. Except for single and two-family residential uses, all parking spaces shall be provided with wheel stops or bumper guards so located that no part of parked vehicles will extend beyond the property line or into required landscaped areas.
         G.   Shelter building. No parking lot for accessory off-street parking shall have more than one attendant shelter building. All shelter buildings shall conform to all setback requirements for structures in the district.
         H.   Signs. Accessory signs shall be permitted on parking areas in accordance with the provisions specified in Chapter 1276.
         I.   Repair and service. No commercial motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind shall be permitted in association with accessory parking facilities, except that emergency service required to start vehicles shall be permitted.
         J.   Loud speakers prohibited. The operation of loud speakers shall be prohibited in all parking areas.
   (b)   Parking of Commercial Vehicles in Residential Areas. The outdoor parking of commercial vehicles on any property zoned or used for residential purposes shall be permitted as follows:
      (1)   The parking of commercial vehicles having a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less shall be permitted on private property as described in this subsection. Other than the exception in 1278.06(b)(5), the overnight parking of all other types of commercial vehicles is prohibited.
      (2)   The vehicle must be used as the principle means of transportation for the resident of the property in that resident’s employment or profession or must be the resident’s sole means of motor vehicle transportation.
      (3)   If parked out of doors, one commercial vehicle is permitted per lot, and shall be parked on the driveway. A second commercial vehicle is permitted per lot if parked in an enclosed building.
      (4)   The parking or storage of trailers, parts, equipment, or materials related to operation of a commercial vehicle is prohibited.
      (5)   The provisions of this section shall not prohibit the parking of commercial vehicles on a single-family lot for the sole purpose of rendering an immediate and/or current service on the lot (e.g. construction or repair, landscaping, cleaning, etc.)
   (c)   Storage in or Sale of Goods From Parked Vehicles Restricted. The storage in a sale of merchandise from parked vehicles shall be prohibited except that such storage or sale of goods may be permitted as a special land use for one period of not more than two weeks during any six-month period, provided that it is done in conjunction with an existing conforming commercial use.
   (d)   Specific Requirements. All off-street parking spaces hereinafter required by this Zoning Code, except those required for one and two-family dwellings, shall be designed in accordance with one of the formulas set forth in the Off-Street Parking Table (Parking Classes). Parking spaces for accessory uses not specifically enumerated within a parking class shall be assumed to be included in the principal (permitted or special land) use requirement. If, for any reason, the classification of any use, for the purpose of determining the amount of off-street parking, or the number of spaces to provide for such use, is not readily determinable hereunder, the parking class of such use shall be fixed by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
1.   One-Family, Duplex Units
2 parking spaces for each dwelling unit.
2.   Residential; Multiple-Family (Apartments, Condominiums, and Cooperatives)
   (a)   Efficiency and One-Bedroom Units
1.5 parking spaces for each dwelling unit.
   (b)   Two-Bedroom Units or More
2 parking spaces for each dwelling unit.
3.   Boarding, Rooming, Lodging Establishments, and/or Tourist Homes
1 parking space for each occupancy unit plus 1 parking space for each employee.
4.   Senior Citizen Housing
1.2 parking spaces for each dwelling unit plus 1 parking space for each employee. Should units revert to general occupancy, then parking spaces shall be provided as indicated in No. 2 above.
5.   Church, Chapel, Synagogue, Temple, or other place of worship
1 parking space for each 3 seats or 6 linear feet of pews in the main unit of worship.
6.   Industrial or Vocational Schools, including Commercial Schools, Business Schools, Business Machine Schools, and Computer Technology Schools
1 parking space for every teacher, employee, and administrator and one parking space for each 2 students. If retail sales or services are conducted in conjunction with industrial or vocational schools, then additional parking shall be provided as required for such retail uses.
7.   Homes for the Aged, Nursing Facilities, Convalescent Homes, Convents, Children's Homes, and Orphanages
1 parking space for each 4 beds plus 1 space for each employee on the premises, based on the largest number of employees on the premises at one time.
8.   Library
1 parking space for each 300 square feet of floor space, plus 1 parking space per employee on the largest shift.
9.   Private Civic or Fraternal Club or Lodge
1 parking space for every 50 square feet of floor area, or 1 per 3 persons of maximum occupancy as established by the Fire Marshal, whichever is greater.
10.   Stadium, Sports Arena, or Similar Place of Assembly
1 parking space for each 3 seats or similar vantage accommodation provided or 1 parking space for each 6 linear feet of benches.
11.   Theaters, Auditoriums Assembly Halls, or Similar Places of Indoor Assembly
(a)   With Fixed Seating: 1 parking space for each 3 seats and similar vantage accommodation, or 1 parking space for each 6 linear feet of benches, or 1 parking space per 3 persons based on the occupancy load as established by local, County, and State fire, building, or health codes, whichever is greater, plus 1 parking space per employee.
(b)   Without Fixed Seating: 1 parking space for every 3 persons who may legally be admitted therein at one time under occupancy load as established by local, County, and State fire, building, or health codes, whichever is greater, plus 1 parking space per employee.
12.   Ambulance Service and Rescue Squad
Adequate space to accommodate all motor vehicles operated in connection with such use and 1 additional parking space for each employee.
13.   Athletic Clubs, Physical Exercise Establishments, Health Studios Sauna Baths, Judo Clubs
1 parking space per patron based on the occupancy load as established by local, County, and State fire, building, or health codes, whichever is greater, plus 1 parking space per employee on a major shift.
14.   Automobile Service and Filling Stations
1 parking space for each lubrication stall, rack or pit, plus 1 space for each service vehicle, plus either 1 space for each fuel pump, or 1 space for each employee on the largest shift, whichever is greater. These standards shall be a minimum and maximum.
15.   Automobile Washing Establishments, Production and Custom
1 space for each 2 employees. In addition, reservoir parking space equal in number to 30 spaces for the first car wash lane and 20 spaces for each additional car wash lane.
16.   Automobile Washing Establishments (Self-Service or Coin-Operated)
5 parking spaces at the entry side of each washing stall in addition to the staff itself, plus two drying spaces at the exit side of each stall.
17.   Automobile Repair, Buffing, and/or Collision
1 parking space per bay plus 1 space per each employee on the largest shift. The area used to store damaged or inoperative vehicles shall not be counted as off-street parking. Adequate area shall be provided to store 2 vehicles for every service bay. Such storage area shall be screened as provided in Section 1270.06(b).
18.   Banks, Financial Institutions
1 parking space for every 150 square feet of floor area plus 1 for each employee.
19.   Banks, Financial Institutions With Drive-in Windows
1 parking space for every 150 square feet of floor area plus 8 stacking spaces for the first drive-in window and 6 stacking spaces per each additional window.
20.   Beauty Parlor or Barber Shop
3 parking spaces per beauty or barber chair.
21.   Bowling Alleys
5 parking spaces for each bowling lane in addition to the requirements for a place serving food or beverages on the site plus 1 parking space per employee on the largest shift.
22.   Dance Halls, Roller or Skating Rinks, Exhibition Halls, and Assembly Halls Without Fixed Seats
Either 1 parking space for each 50 square feet of floor area, or 1 parking space for every three persons, based on the occupancy load as established by local, County, and State fire, building, or health codes, whichever is greater, plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift.
23.   Day Care Center, Child Care Centers, Nursery School, School of Special Education, and Schools for the Mentally and Physically Disadvantaged.
1 parking space for each teacher, administrator, or other employee in addition to the requirements of the auditorium. The number of teachers, administrators, and other employees shall be based on the design capability of the facility. If there is no auditorium or assembly hall, then 2 spaces per classroom shall be provided in addition to those for each teacher, administrator, or employee.
24.   Eating Establishments/ Prepared Food Pickup
   (a)   Drive-Thru Restaurant
Either 1 parking space per 100 square feet of floor area, or 1 parking space for each employee on the largest shift, whichever is larger, plus sufficient area for 8 stacking spaces for the first drive-in window and 6 stacking spaces per each additional window.
   (b)   Drive-In Restaurant (Eating Only Allowed in Vehicle With No Seating Facilities)
Either 1 parking space per 100 square feet of floor area, or 1 parking space for each employee on the largest shift, in addition to the spaces provided for customer service.
   (c)   Drive-In Restaurant With Seating Facilities (Eating Allowed in Vehicles)
1 parking space per 50 square feet of eating area, plus either 1 parking space per 100 square feet of noneating area or 1 parking space per employee on the largest shift, whichever is larger, in addition to the spaces provided for drive-in service.
   (d)   Fast-Food Restaurant Serving Patrons Over a Counter or at a Cafeteria Line
1 parking space per 50 square feet of eating area, plus either 1 parking space per 100 square feet of noneating area or one parking space per employee on the largest shift, whichever is greater.
   (e)   Snack Bars Serving Snacks or Meals Over a Counter to Patrons Arriving on Foot, by Bicycle, or by Motor Vehicle
5 parking spaces plus 5 additional spaces per service station. For the purpose of this section, each 24 inches of customer service counter or fraction thereof shall be considered a service station.
   (f)   Dining Room Restaurant Serving Prepared-to-Order Meals Brought to Patrons' Tables by Waiters or Waitresses
1 parking space per 100 square feet of eating area, plus either 1 parking space per 100 square feet of noneating area or 1 parking space per employee on The largest shift, whichever is greater.
25.   Furniture and Appliance, Household Equipment Repair Shops, Showroom of a Plumber, Decorator, Electrician, or Similar Trade, Shoe Repair, and Other Similar Uses
1 parking space for every 500 square feet of floor area.
26.   Laundromats and Coin-Operated Dry Cleaners
1 parking space per each washing and/or dry cleaning machine.
27.   Miniature or "Par 3" Golf Courses and Golf Driving Ranges
2 parking spaces for each hole and for each tee plus 1 parking space for each employee.
28.   Mortuary Establishments, Funeral Homes, and Funeral Chapels
1 parking space for each 50 square feet of area used for services, parlors, and slumber rooms.
29.   (New) Motor Vehicle Sales, Rental, and Service Establishments
1 parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area exclusive of the service area, plus 1 parking space for each auto service stall in the service room plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift.
30.   (Used) Motor Vehicle Sales
1 parking space for every 500 square feet of outdoor sales area plus l space for each auto service stall plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift.
31.   Open Air Businesses Including Nurseries and Other Outdoor Sales Areas
1 parking space per 500 square feet of land area being utilized for retail purposes plus 1 space per employee.
32.   Pool Room, Billiard Parlor, and Table Game Establishments
Either 1 parking space per pool table, billiard table, or game plus 1 space for every 20 square feet of floor area or 1 parking space per 3 persons based on the occupancy load as established by local, County, and State fire, building, and health codes, whichever is greater.
33.   Public Utility Facilities, Such as Communications Equipment Buildings, and Electrical Substations not Open to the Public
1 parking space per employee. This shall apply to the maximum number of employees on duty at any one time.
34.   Retail Stores, Including Hardware and Sporting Goods Stores, except as Otherwise Specified Herein
1 parking space for every 200 square feet of floor area plus either 1 space per each employee working on the premises in the largest shift or 1 space per 1,000 square feet of floor area, whichever is greater.
35.   Retail Lumber and Building Supply Sales Facilities
1 parking space for every 200 square feet of indoor retail sales area, plus 1 parking space for every 1,000 square feet of storage area.
36.   Roadside Vegetable and Fruit Stands
4 parking spaces.
37.   Supermarkets, Self-service Food Stores, and Convenience Food Stores
1 parking space for every 150 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof.
38.   Tennis Clubs and Court-Type Recreation Uses
1 parking space per each person permitted by the capacity of the courts, plus such additional spaces as may be required herein for affiliated uses such as bars, restaurants, or assembly space, plus 1 space per employee.
39.   Business and Professional Offices of Architects, Engineers Landscape Architects, Lawyers or Similar or Allied Professions
1 parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area.
40.   Professional Offices of Medical or Dental Practitioner's Office or Similar Professions
1 parking space for each 100 square feet of floor area or a minimum of not less than 4 spaces.
41.   Uses Under Construction
Space on site shall be provided for all construction workers during periods of construction. Such spaces need not be paved as required in Section 1278.06(a)(7)C.
(Ord. 106. Passed 12-9-81; Ord. 106-A89. Passed 5-14-14; Ord. 106A-113. Passed 11-9-20.)