(a)   No incinerator, garbage or trash receptacle, oil or propane tank, or storage rack, shall be exposed on the ground outside the building, except:
      (1)   When the same is enclosed on at least three sides by a solid concrete simulated brick, decorative masonry or brick wall at least five feet high or of adequate height to completely obscure all stored materials or containers placed within the enclosure.
      (2)   When, at the discretion of the Planning Commission, the same is enclosed by an appropriate wood or other type of obscuring gate when an obscuring gate is necessary to screen unsightly views from neighboring property or from the public right of way.
      (3)   When all areas within the enclosure are paved with an asphaltic or a concrete surface of such thickness and design to support the containers.
      (4)   When, in the discretion of the Planning Commission, an alternate wood or metal enclosure of adequate height would be consistent with the architecture of the principal building or buildings on the property and when protected from damage by cars or trucks gaining access to the enclosure, passing by the enclosure or parking adjacent to the enclosure.
   (b)   No storage of goods, merchandise or materials outside the building shall be permitted, except when enclosed on all sides by a solid concrete simulated brick, decorative masonry or brick wall of adequate height to completely obscure all stored materials. Openings in such wall shall be approved by the Planning Commission through the site plan review process.
(Ord. 106. Passed 12-9-81; Ord. 106A-20. Passed 7-12-89.)