(A)   Nothing contained herein nor in any required certificate, shall be deemed in any way to limit the right or the authority of the village to vacate any plat or part thereof or any right-of-way or easement or part thereof where it finds that such vacation shall serve the public interest.
   (B)   The village may require the petitioner to furnish bond or an irrevocable letter of credit in an amount sufficient to protect the village, indemnifying it for any suit which may be filed for damages sustained as a result of such vacation.
   (C)   Bonded contracts for the improvement of platted roads or alleys shall be automatically canceled upon vacation of such platted roads or alleys.
   (D)   The vacation of any plat or part thereof, or right-of-way easement or part thereof shall not be deemed to be a vacation of the rights of any public utility where said public utility has installed its underground facilities therein.
(Ord. 1995-0-25, passed 12-26-95)