§ 152.026 SIGNS.
   (A)   Subdivision signs. After the approval of such subdivision plat and installation of public improvements, the subdivider shall purchase and install throughout the subdivision signs of such number, type, and size as shall have been approved by the President and Board of Trustees.
   (B)   Road names. Road names shall not be confusingly similar to or duplicate any other road in the village or adjacent townships or municipalities. New roads which are extensions or in alignment with existing roads shall bear the name of the existing road. The names of all roads shall be approved by the village.
   (C)   Prohibition of signs.
      (1)   Only authorized signs shall be permitted to be placed, displayed, or maintained within the right-of-way of any road.
      (2)   Street name signs shall be erected at each intersection so as to identify every street within the subdivision. Street name signs shall conform to specifications in most recent addition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Department of Public Works and Buildings, State of Illinois.
(Ord. 1995-0-25, passed 12-26-95)