(A)   Body massage or treatment of the character described in § 113.01 shall not be given by male persons to female persons, or by female persons to male persons, except in regularly established and licensed hospitals, dispensaries, or institutions and establishments operating under the direction or guidance of a physician or chiropractor, and except when specifically directed and prescribed in writing by a duly licensed physician or chiropractor. Except in hospitals and dispensaries, authority for each treatment shall be given on a separate written prescription over the signature of a physician or chiropractor. This section shall not apply to any registered nurse operating under the direction of a physician, nor shall it apply to massage of the face practiced by beauty parlors or barber shops duly licensed. ('79 Code, § 1513(11))
2005 S-14
   (B)   The provisions of this chapter do not apply to duly licensed physicians, surgeons, dentists, osteopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, or physical therapists; nor do these provisions apply to athletic directors assigned to schools when engaged in their regular professions or occupations. ('79 Code, § 1513(12)) (Am. Ord. 2005-O-1, passed 1-4-05) Penalty, see § 113.99