(A) Surcharge. A surcharge for wastewater will be levied to all users whose waters exceed the normal concentrations for BOD and suspended solids as determined by the North Shore Sanitary District. The surcharge will be based on water usage, as recorded by water meters and/or sewage meters, for all wastes which exceed the normal mg/1 concentrations for BOD and suspended solids, which are 200 mg/1 of BOD and 240 mg/1 suspended solids.
(B) Service Charge. The wastewater service charge shall be computed by the following formula:
CW = CD + CM + (Vu-X) CU + CS
Where CW = Amount of wastewater service charge per billing period.
CD = Debt service charge (§ 50.026).
CM = Minimum charge for operation, maintenance, and replacement (§ 50.027).
Vu = Wastewater volume for the billing period.
X = Allowable consumption in gallons for the minimum charge (§ 50.027).
CU = Basic user rate for operation, maintenance, and replacement (§ 50.027).
CS = Amount of surcharge (§ 50.029).
('79 Code, § 1103) (Ord. 1983-O-5, passed 4-19-83; Am. Ord. 1986-O-14, passed 7-1-86)