1151.01 Application.
1151.02 Nonresidential use.
1151.03 Establishment of a Mobile Home Park District.
1151.04 Development required in a Mobile Home Park District.
1151.05 Anti-discrimination clause required.
1151.06 Mobile home park plan approval.
1151.07 Application for mobile home park approval.
1151.08 Action on application.
1151.09 Approved mobile home park plans binding.
1151.10 Periodic inspections.
1151.11 Enlargement of existing mobile home parks.
1151.12 Size of park.
1151.13 Frontage on a public street.
1151.14 Density.
1151.15 Permitted uses.
1151.16 Prohibited uses.
1151.17 Double wide mobile homes and sites.
1151.18 Height limitation.
1151.19 Mobile home park yards.
1151.20 Fencing or shrubbery.
1151.21 Common recreation areas.
1151.22 Storage facilities.
1151.23 Roadways.
1151.24 Access to mobile home parks.
1151.25 Street lights.
1151.26 Underground utility lines.
1151.27 Utility meters.
1151.28 Storm drainage.
1151.29 Water.
1151.30 Fire protection.
1151.31 Sanitary waste disposal.
1151.32 Mobile home park access and area.
1151.33 Mobile home site yards.
1151.34 Patios.
1151.35 Mobile home pads.
1151.36 Automobile parking.
1151.37 Removal of running gear prohibited.
1151.38 Enclosure around bottom of mobile home.
1151.39 Legal action.
1151.40 Mobile homes prohibited.
Manufactured home parks - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3733
Mobile homes defined - see P. & Z. Ch. 1133