Section 15.53.030   Historic and architectural review.
   A.   Maximum Building Size Bonus. If the Landmark Preservation Commission or Village Council (pursuant to Section 15.53.010.D of this Code), as the case may be, determines that a building is of a historic or architecturally significant nature in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section 15.52.060 of this Code, the owner of the property shall be entitled to a one-time, maximum building size bonus of 20 percent, as provided in Section 17.30.040.H of this Code. As part of its determination, the Landmark Preservation Commission or Village Council (pursuant to this Code), as the case may be shall adopt findings specifically identifying any critical exterior historical or architectural features of the building visible from a public or private street or other significant historic or architecturally significant features that warrant preservation (for purposes of this Chapter, the "Critical Exterior Historical or Architectural Features"). The findings and notice of the applicability of the regulations contained of this Chapter shall be recorded against the property. Nothing in this subsection A shall be interpreted to exempt, vary or waive any other lot, space, bulk or yard regulations, or any requirement for any relief from any such regulations, that are otherwise applicable to the property and the use of the maximum building size bonus.
   B.   Time. Within 60 days after the filing of a complete application for a maximum building size bonus, the Landmark Preservation Commission shall meet to determine whether the building on the property is historic or architecturally significant thus entitling the property to a maximum building size bonus of 20 percent, as provided in Section 17.30.040.H of this Code.
   C.   Notice of Review. Not less than 10 or more than 30 days before the Landmark Preservation Commission meets to conduct a review of an application for a maximum building size bonus, the Director shall issue a notice to the owners of record of all properties located within 250 feet of the subject property, and to the Winnetka Historical Society. The notice shall state the address of the property, and the date, time and location for the Landmark Preservation Commission's review meeting. The notice shall also state that the application materials shall be available for review and give the dates, times and location of their availability.
   D.   If the Landmark Preservation Commission determines that a residential building is not historic or architecturally significant, and therefore, the property does not qualify for a one-time, maximum building size bonus in accordance with Section 15.53.010.B. the owner may appeal the decision to the Village Council. The appeal, and the specific basis for the appeal, must be filed in writing with the Director within seven days after the determination by the Landmark Preservation Commission. The Village Council shall hear the appeal no more than 45 days after the appeal is filed with the Director. Not less than 10 or more than 30 days before the Village Council meets to consider the appeal, the Director shall issue notice to the same persons and entities to whom notice was issued pursuant to Section 15.53.030.C of this Code. In considering the appeal, the Village Council shall apply the standards set forth in Section 15.52.060.C of this Code, and at the conclusion of its consideration of the appeal, uphold or reverse the determination of the Landmark Preservation Commission by adoption of a resolution by an affirmative vote of at least four members of the Village Council.
(MC-2-2021, § 8 (part), Added 03/16/2021)