Section 17.58.020   Purpose and intent
   A.   Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to make available a special use procedure that departs from the strict application of the specific zoning requirements of the district in which the development is located, in an effort to promote progressive development and redevelopment of land in the multi-family and commercial zoning districts by encouraging more creative and imaginative design for land developments than is possible under the zoning regulations that generally apply in those zoning districts.
   B.   Intent. This Chapter is intended to assure that the following land use and development objectives are accomplished, in addition to the general land use and development objectives set forth in Chapter 17.04 of this Title:
      1.   To permit a creative approach to the development and redevelopment of lands devoted to multi-family and commercial uses.
      2.   To achieve a more desirable physical environment by allowing greater flexibility in building design and site plan layout than would be possible through the strict application of the generally applicable zoning and subdivision regulations.
      3.   To allow more efficient use of the land resulting in more economic networks of utilities, streets and other facilities.
      4.   To facilitate a development pattern that is in harmony both with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and with the district purposes as defined in this Title.
      5.   To allow the relaxation of certain otherwise applicable substantive requirements based upon procedural protections that provide for the detailed review of individual proposals for more significant multi-family and commercial developments.
(MC-2-2019, 04/25/2019; MC-8-2005, Added, 12/20/2005)