No building or premises within the C-2 General Retail Commercial District, including the C-2 Commercial Overlay District, shall be used, and no building within the C-2 General Retail Commercial District, including the C-2 Commercial Overlay District, shall be erected or altered for any use not otherwise provided for in this title.
A. Permitted Use. Except as otherwise provided in this code, any building in the C-2 General Retail Commercial District, including the C-2 Commercial Overlay District, shall be used for one (1) or more of the commercial uses listed as permitted in the C-2 General Retail Commercial District in the Table of Uses in Section 17.46.010 of this code.
B. Special Use.
1. Except as otherwise provided in this code, uses listed as "Special Use" (SU) in the C-2 General Retail Commercial District in the Table of Uses in Section 17.46.010 of this code may be permitted as a special use, subject to the conditions and requirements set forth in this chapter and in Chapter 17.56 of this code.
a. Any use that the Zoning Administrator determines is similar to any use listed as a "Special Use" (SU) in the C-2 General Retail Commercial District in the Table of Uses in Section 17.46.010 of this code;
b. C-2 Commercial Overlay District. Any use that is located on the ground floor of a building within the boundaries of the C-2 Commercial Overlay District and that is listed as a "Special Use" (SU) in the C-2 Commercial Overlay District in the Table of Uses in Section 17.46.010 of this code, or any use determined by the Zoning Administrator to be similar to such a use; provided that, in addition to the standards set forth in Chapter 17.56 for the granting of special use permits, the applicant demonstrates that the special use will be in compliance with the following additional standards:
i. The proposed special use at the proposed location will encourage, facilitate and enhance the continuity, concentration, and pedestrian nature of the area in a manner similar to that of retail uses.
ii. The location of the proposed special use along a block frontage shall provide for a minimum interruption in the existing and potential continuity and concentration of the retail uses along the block's frontage.
iii. The proposed special use at the proposed location will provide for active display windows, facades, signage and lighting similar in nature and compatible with that provided by retail uses.
iv. If the proposed special use provides multi-use areas, such as retail merchandise areas, restaurant dining areas, general office space, private offices, reception areas, or employee work areas, any proposed retail merchandise area or restaurant dining area shall be concentrated and located immediately adjacent to the sidewalk and clearly visible from street in such a fashion as to invite customers to browse or dine.
v. If a proposed new building contemplates a mix of retail, office and service type uses, the minimum frontage for each retail use adjacent to the sidewalk shall be twenty (20) feet with a minimum gross floor area of four hundred (400) square feet. In addition, such retail space shall be devoted to active retail merchandising which maintains typical and customary hours of operation.
vi. The proposed location and operation of the proposed special use shall not significantly diminish the availability of parking for district clientele wishing to patronize existing retail businesses;
c. More than one (1) principal building on a lot;
d. Planned developments, as provided in Chapter 17.58 of this code.
C. Essential Public Use. Essential public use, either as a principal use or as an accessory use.
D. Accessory uses. Each of the enumerated permitted uses and permitted special uses may include accessory uses, buildings or other structures, as defined in Section 17.04.030, located on the same lot; provided, however, that satellite receiving dishes shall be subject to the conditions and requirements set forth in Chapter 17.56.
(MC-01-2019 § 4, Amended, 04/04/2019; MC-2-2015 § 5, Amended, 02/17/2015; MC-4-2009, Added, 05/05/2009)